... and I love him.

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Ashley’s POV

“thank you guys so much for the best day ever.” I say and cling to Damon’s back more so I don’t fall off. My feet got tired, so he offered a piggy back ride and why would I say no?

“your welcome.” They said. I smiled and rested my head on Damon’s back and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Damon’s POV

“your welcome.” we say after she thanked us for such a good day. After walking for a bit I hear her breathing slow down and realize she fell asleep.

“you totally like her.” Jason says and I turn my head to look at him.

“Jason, I already told you my answer on that.”

“but now you like her even more. Just ask her out already.” I sigh and decide I should ask her out before we leave for warped.

“fine, I will, but how?”

“you know her better than I do. But from what I have seen today, she is really cheesy and loves to have fun. Why don’t you take her out to lunch, maybe go to the park and play on the playground and act like little kids again and then ask her out there. She would love that.”

“that is a really good idea. Thanks Jason.”

“don’t thank me, I just want you guys to get together already.” I laugh.

“we will be eventually.” I smile.


<at the apartments>

“should we put her in her bed?” I ask.

“do you have a key?” Jason asks.

“yeah but its in the kitchen on the key ring.”

“just let her sleep here. She’ll be fine.” I nod and we walk into my apartment. I go to my bedroom and sit her on my bed before taking off her shoes, and my jacket I gave to her because she got cold, and I pulled the blanket over her. I grab some of my pajama’s out of my dresser and go to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I change, wash my face, and throw my dirty clothes into the hamper and climbing into bed next to Ashley.

“thank you.” she mumbles.

“for what?” I ask.

“for today, for being my friend, and for everything else you have done for me since I got here.” she smiles and opens her eyes.

“your welcome. How long have you been awake?”

“since you put me in bed.” she says and closes her eyes again and cuddled into bed more.

“I want to take you somewhere tomorrow. You busy?” I ask.

“you don’t need to take me anywhere else Damon, you have already done enough for me.” she smiled at me.

“but I want to.”

“fine. Last place though, next time I am taking you somewhere.”

“okay.” I laughed.

“Well, goodnight.” she said and closed her eyes again.

“goodnight.” I smiled and we both eventually fell asleep with her pressed up against me and my arms around her.

<the next Morning>

Ashley’s POV

I can’t believe how hard I am falling for Damon. I love waking up in is arms, I love wearing his clothes, and I love him.

I wake up with his arms wrapped protectively around my waist. oh gosh how I wish I could wake up like this every morning.

I turn around so I am facing him and see he is still asleep and he pulls me closer. I smile and poke his cute little button nose. His eyes flutter open and I see the beautiful blue green orbs.

“good morning.” he smiles.

“good morning. So where are we going today?” I ask and he laughs.

“that is for me to know and you to wait and see.” I groan and he laughs again.

“fine.” I pout and he hugs me super tight and pulls me on top of him when he is laying on his back.

“I’m going to smash you.” I say and try to get off but he has his arms around me too tight.

“no your not, just stay here you are warm.” I stop struggling after a big and just lay there on top of him with his arms around me.

Your Flaws Don't Define You ~ Damon FizzyWhere stories live. Discover now