You Have A Really Bony Butt, Jason

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Ashley's POV

We walk into the furniture store and I start looking around with Damon. Jason just... wandered off and we can't find him so we ditched him.

"okay first of all I really need a bed." I say and we walk around and look at the bed frames.

"do you want a headboard or footboard or not?" Damon asks.

"uh, I don't mind really, but I would prefer a headboard and no footboard." I say.

"here Is one." he shows me to one that only has a headboard and it is a really nice black wooden frame.

"I really like that one and it's a king bed. Cool. So now I need a chair and other stuff you would find in a livi-" I stop right in my spot and start cracking up. Damon gives me a weird look so I point to what I am looking at and he starts laughing too.

Where we are standing, we can see Jason. And you want to know what he is doing? He is hiding.

Inside of a washer.

Pushing his face against the glass making a hilarious face.

"Jason you are going to get in trouble!" I say still laughing.

"no im not!" he yells but since he is inside it sounds muffled.

I look at Damon and he smirks. I nod and we run over to Jason and lock the door.

"hey! This isn't funny! Get me out!" he pounds on the glass although he is laughing.

"no way! This is too funny!" Damon is using a washing machine to hold him up from laughing too hard.

"plus I found a washing machine I want and the best part is it comes with a free Jason!!" I exclaim still laughing.

"I thought I was your best friend! Best friends wouldn't do this to each other!" Jason pouted.

"awe im sorry Jason." I put my face in front of his but the glass is still in between us. He is glaring at me, so I smile at him.

"Get. Me. Out." he demands. I look up at Damon who is still laughing but not as hard as before. I open the door than close it again.

"you can come out on one condition." I say.

"and that is?" he begs me to continue me.

"you have to... be nice to Damon. And not eat all of his food anymore!"

"fine just get me out!"

"no! im not done yet. You have to be nice to Damon and you have to be my best friend still and not be mad at me."

"ugh fine. Let me out." I open the door and open my arms up for him to hug me. He climbs out and gives me a tight squeeze.

"your.... Choking me..... Help.... Me...... Damon...." Damon just joins in on the group hug.

"you guys... are... choking.. Me.... Im going to.... Die!" they soon enough let go and I catch my breath.

"that's what you get for locking me in there." Jason explains and puts his hands up in the air.

"and what is your excuse Damon?" I ask and turn to face him.

"you guys were having a group hug and I wanted to join." he says seriously then smiles suddenly. I laugh.

"fine you both are off the hook. Now lets shop for my furniture!" I say and start walking to the living room stuff. We walk around looking at all the choices.

"I really just want a couch and a love seat, and possibly a comfy chair." I say and sit down in a really comfy recliner. Damon and Jason sit on my lap.

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