You know me better than I know myself.

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Ashley's POV

It has been 3 days since I have left my room. I have texted Damon to tell Jason I'm sorry for what I did to him because for some reason i don't have Jason's number yet. Burt left yesterday to begin the drive back to New York so I am all alone in my apartment. Damon tried to come in a few times but I locked my bedroom doors. I haven't slept at all either. You can ask why I am locking myself away from people but in all honesty, I don't know.

What I am guessing it is, is I have always hated when people know a lot about me. I absolutely hate it. I don't even know why. It's like people are always trying to dig more secrets out of me when they know everything I do. They act like they know me better than I know myself.

They act like they know me better than I know myself.

That could be a song lyric. I haven't written a song in awhile so I decide to get off my fort of blankets on the floor and grab my song book before coming back. I open it to a fresh new page and write down what I have so far.

They act like they know me better than I know myself.

What else would go with that?

<a few hours later>

I decided to change

They act like they know me better than I know myself.


You know me better than I know myself. (yes this song will be Public Service Announcement by Of Mice & Men but for the purpose of this book she will write it.)

And this is all I have so far for the song-

All of these people talking about my story

As if they've lived it before

All of these people they don't even know me

But I love how you think you know me better than I know myself

You know me better than I know myself.

Good? I like it so far. I put my song book down and decide to take my chance of getting a peace tea. Damon and Jason are probably camping in my living room.

I stand up slowly and tip toe to the door. I unlock it and slowly stick my head out.

Look to the left.


Look to the right.


I take my chance and sprint to the kitchen. I quickly but quietly run to the fridge and might as well grab a few drinks, so I grab 2 Arizona sweet teas, 2 razzleberry peace teas, and 4 rockstars. I look around again just to make sure they didn't sneak in and I see nothing so I run back to my room and shut the door quickly before locking it. I turn around to set my drinks down and nearly have a heart attack but instead of that I scream loudly.

"gosh dangit guys! don't do that!" I say with a hand over my heart, breathing heavily.

"why have you not left your room?" Damon says with his arms folded over his chest.

"I just did. Did you not just see me run out there and get these?" I point to the drinks I nearly dropped out of my hands when I saw them. I set them down in the opposite corner of the room Damon and Jason are at.

"why are you locking yourself In here?" Jason asked in the same position Damon is in.

"ummmmm I don't know." I look down. I am such a bad liar.

"ummmmm we are pretty sure you know, you just don't want to tell us." Damon says and they take a step closer to me so I take a step back.

"maybe I do maybe I don't."

"we are your best friends you can tell us anything." oh crud they are going to break me!

"what is there to tell? I'm not hiding anything."

"tell us why you have locked yourself in here for the past 3 days." they say at practically the same time.

"Ashley you can tell us anything." Damon says and they take a step closer but I cant take a step back because im already against the wall, so I slid down the wall and sit with my legs pressed to my torso.

"I-I know that." I look down.

"then tell us why you have locked yourself in here." Jason says and they both sit down criss cross in front of me.

"b-because I always feel weird when people know everything about me." I mumble and put my head on my knees.

"Ashley, there's no need to feel weird just because we know you. We still don't know everything about you."

"I know but still... I can't help it. I'm sorry."

"it's okay, there is nothing to be sorry about."

"sorry. Wait, no, sorry, oh my gosh life hates me right now!" I say and they laugh.

"let's go get pizza or something to cheer you up."

"okay." I smile at them and they help me up.

"let me change first." I was in black spandex shorts and a large bring me the horizon sweatshirt.

"you look fine right now. We are still in our pajamas if you haven't noticed." they say and point to their clothes which I did not notice until now.

"at least let me change my shorts into pants/ I don't feel comfortable in these."

"Ashley you look fine."

"but you can see... my scars." I whisper the last part and look down. Damon steps forward and puts his finger under my chin and makes me look at him.

"Ashley you are incredibly beautiful in anyway and if people can't see that, Fuck them." I smile slightly and sigh.

"fine lets go get some pizza. Vegetarian please."

"yes, not let's go!" Damon says and pulls me out of my apartment but I quickly run back in before Jason closed the door and grabbed my phone, some money, and my keys.

"now im ready." I smile and we all start messing around in the hallways and elevator. We get down to the lobby and act like fools getting glares from everyone.

"fuck you guys at least were having fun!" Jason yells and I am shocked. He just said f you to the workers of the place he lives in. what the heck?

"oh my gosh I cant believe you said that to them!" I said once we get to the car.

"oh well. I do it all the time." I am surprised this kid hasn't been arrested yet.

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