Why Would You Care?

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Ashley's POV

"oh, no I should have been looking where I was going. It's not your fault." I smiled. He reached his hand down and pulled me up. He was about 4 inches taller than me.

"I'm Johnnie." he smiled and reached his hand out.

"I'm Ashley." I smiled and shook his hand.

"we were actually coming to get you guys." says a blonde tall guy standing behind Johnnie.

"why do you need us?" Damon asks him.

"we wanted to know if you wanted to make a video with us." Johnnie says as he turned around. The blonde guy sees me and smiles. I blush and look down. When I look back up everyone is staring at me.

"I'm Bryan. Bryan Stars." he smiles again.

"a-Ashley." I give a shy smile and look down. I see my penny board by my feet so I pick it up.

"were you guys going out?" Bryan asked.

"yeah we were going to show Ashley around town." Damon says.

"she just moved here." Jason says in his amusing accent which causes me to smile.

"well, welcome to California! Wait, if you already lived in California before, uhh... Welcome to a different part of California!" Johnnie says throwing his hands up in the air and has a huge grin on his face.

"I'm from New York." I laugh.

"well welcome to California!" he says and bear hugs me really tight. I flinch but I hug back and enjoy his scent. We pull away smiling.

"you guys want to come with us? The more the merrier!" I ask.

"I didn't bring my board." Johnnie sighs.

"and I can't ride for shit." Bryan says and we all laugh at him.

"I have an extra board and you can run." I smile.

"oh, hell nah. I am not running when it is near boiling outside." Bryan says and snaps is fingers in a 'z' formation.

"stop being a pussy ass bitch. And you could use the exercise my friend." Johnnie says and Bryan slaps the back of his head causing Johnnie to squeal. Me, Damon, and Jason laugh.

"I will go get my board. Be right back." I say and walk back to the elevator. I get inside and see Johnnie run up behind me.

"mind if I join ya?" he asks.

"nope! Remember? The more the merrier!" I smile and he laughs.

"so, where in here do you live?" he asks with a heart melting smile.

"I actually moved in right in front of Damon's place." I smile and he nods.

"that's cool." he smiles and we walk out of the elevator towards my apartment.

"it's going to be a mess sorry. I'm usually a neat freak but with moving in and all, it's just... ugh..." he laughs and we walk in.

"are you kidding me?! This is not anywhere near messy! It's just a few boxes! If you want to see messy you need to see Bryan and I's apartment!"

"no thanks." I laugh and head to my bedroom with his following short behind.

"uh, where is your bed?" he asks once we get there.

"I ordered one but it isn't here yet."

"did you sleep on the chair?" he asks and I get quiet. Should I tell him I slept with Damon in his bed?

"I slept in Damon's bed last night." I say and grab my pink and yellow penny board and hand it to him.

"and where did he sleep?" he asks.

"uh... Inbedwithme." I mumble barley audible and we walk back out of my apartment.

"isn't that Damon's Jacket?" he asks.

"yep." I say and we walk out to the hallway again and I lock the door.

"do you and Damon have something going on?" he asks me and I give him the classic 'are you kidding me' look.

"no, Damon and I do not have anything going on. Why?"

"because you slept in his bed last night with him, you are wearing his jacket and what's next? Have you kissed yet?" he asks and I turn to him annoyed.

"why would you care? We are only Friends." I say kind of too cold.

"because you are a beautiful girl and I was wandering if sometime maybe you would like to go out with me?" he asks with a hopeful look on his face. My face softens into a smile.

"that would be wonderful." I smile and kiss his cheek. His cheeks turn a bright shade of red and I laugh and start walking to the elevator.


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