Tattoos And Piercings

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Ashley's POV

<at the parlor>

"What would you like today miss?" the guy, which i learned his name is Gabe, asked.

"I would like my nose and cheeks pierced." i said and he nodded and lead the 3 of us to the back and sat me in a seat.

"Which side would you like your nose pierced and where on your cheeks?" he asked with a smile.

" I would like my right side pierced on my nose and where my dimples are when i smile like this." i said and did my 'no teeth' smile and he nodded and took out a marker. he marked where my dimples were and handed me a mirror and showed me.

"I like them. what about you guys?" i said and showed them.

"I like them." they both said with a smile.

"And where on your nose?" Gabe asked and i pointed to the middle of my nose where there was really thin skin so it wouldn't hurt as bad. he nods and puts a dot and shows me and the guys and we all like it.

"okay ready?" he asks and i take a breath and nod. Damon grabs my right hand and squeezes it comfortingly as does Jason and my left hand.

"Take a deep breath in and then exhale." i take a deep breath in, and then i exhale and feel the needle go through my nose i squeal a little in pain but then it goes away and the guys laugh at me.

"Ow." i said and laughed a little.

"How does it look?" i aked and Gabe handed me a mirror and i look at it.

"Wow i really like it!" i said enthusiastically and showed Damon and Jason.

"That looks really good! i like it." Damon said and i smiled. Jason agreed.

"Now for the cheek piercing." i said and got kind of nervous.

"It's going to be okay you have gotten them pierced before it wont be bad." Damon comforted me and squeezed my hand.

"okay." i say and nod.

"Please open your mouth as wide as you can." Gabe says and i open my mouth as wide as possible and close my eyes.

"Okay breathe in and exhale just like last time." i nod and he says go and i breathe in shakily and out and i feel a needle go through my right cheek. i squeal again and squeeze Damon and Jason's hand.

"Keep your mouth open." i keep my mouth open and he says to exhale again and i do so and i feel another pain in my left cheek and i once again squeeze their hands and my eyes squeeze shut.

"I'm going to put the studs in now keep your mouth open, this doesn't hurt as bad." he says and i feel the needles moving through my cheek and then stop and then repeat on the otherside.

"And you are done, you can close your mouth now." Gabe says and i close my mouth.

"Ow. it feels weird having them in again." i say and feel the insides of my mouth with my tongue.

They laugh at me and we walk out to the lobby and i pay for my piercings and they give me some solution and now it is Jason's turn for his tattoo.

"Jason have a seat right here please and what would you like?" Gabe asked him as we went to a different room and Jason took a seat in the chair.

"i would like the word VeeOneEye really small on my wrist." he said and pointed to a part of his wrist. i like that idea.

"okay and could you write that word on a piece of paper for me?" Gabe laughed and gave Jason a pen and pad of paper. Jason wrote his username on the paper and gave it to Gabe who was getting the ink ready.

"okay, you ready?" Gabe asked and Jason nodded. he started the tattoo and Jason squinted but then was fine.

"i don't think i could ever get a tattoo." i admit to Damon.

"i don't think i could either." he says and wraps his arm around me.

"does it hurt?" i ask Jason.

"not as bad as i thought." he said and continued watching Gabe at work.

"once you get one though, you get addicted to them though. which explains my tattoos." Gabe laughed. he is covered in tattoo's from neck to toe.

"and i am done." he says and Jason inspects his new tattoo.

"i love it, thanks dude." he says and gives Gabe a 'bro hug'. he wraps it up and pays then we leave.

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