#Jashley or #Ashmon?

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Ashley's POV

<3 days after posting the Video, 5 days after filming>

"gosh look at all these weird comments on our videos." Jason says and laughs as he scrolls down the comments.

"what are they saying?" I ask.

"well, mainly they are either shipping me and you as #jashley or you and Damon as #ashmon." he laughs.

"they are shipping me and you?" I ask and go onto tumblr and type in #Jashley.

"yeah but mainly you and Damon." I laugh. Good.

"oh my god these edits people are making of Jashley are so weird." I laugh at a few but almost 80% of them are something sexual about Jason and I. Weird.

"type in ashmon." he says and comes to sit next to me on the couch with his computer.

"okay." I say and type in 'Ashmon' and am surprised by what pops up.

"awh some of these are so cute!!" I exclaim and save a few of them and reply to others.

"you guys would make a cute baby #ashmonbaby." I read and blush. Jason just laughs.

"weird to say, but whatever you guys say." I say and keep scrolling through the posts.

"well I guess this is what you and my baby would look like." Jason says and shows me his computer and I have never laughed at a picture so hard before. The baby has my face and Jason's hair. And then a few other small details but it just looks so weird.

"let me see if I can find Damon and my baby." I say and type in # Ashmonbaby.

"oh my god look at this one!" I say and show him one of the posts.

"awwww if that is actually what your guys' kid would look like, you will have literally the worlds cutest baby." this baby had Damon's eyes and cute little button nose, my smile showing my dimples, our natural hair color, and just everything about it was adorable! I am defiantly saving that.

"hey guys what are you up to?" Damon says walking into my apartment.

"on tumblr looking up our ship names." Jason says.

"people are shipping us?" he asks and sits down next to me.

"well, me and you mainly, but there is some me and Jason and you and Jason." I laugh.

"what are you looking up now?" he asks. Ah shit. I forgot I am on our baby page. Oops.

"she is looking up what your guys' baby would look like. I showed her a picture of what ours would be and I have never seen her laugh so hard at just a picture." he said with a laugh and I just blush and bite my lip.

"let me see." he says and Jason shows him what my and his baby would look like and Damon laughs just as hard as I did.

"that is one of the only babies I have ever seen with that good of hair." he laughs.

"I know right?!" he says enthusiastically.

"what about ours?" he asks me and I go to the picture that I saved. I bite my lip waiting for his response.

"oh my god that is so cute!" he says and I am relieved. I don't know why I was panicking but I was.

"I know right? You guys would win the cutest baby award." I laugh and blush a little and Damon laughs and agrees.

"I just noticed how easily you blush." Damon says and I blush even more.

"stop saying sweet things and compliments to me."

"no I think its cute when you blush." he says and I blush even more and hide my face in my pillow.

"oh come on! I am not cute!" I say but it is muffled through the pillow.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" they both burst into laughter. I pull the pillow from my face and glare at them.

"what are you two laughing at?!" I ask and they calm down a bit but continue laughing.

"you t-think you aren't c-cute!" Jason says and I roll my eyes.

"that's because I'm not." I say and continue scrolling down tumblr.

"Ashley, you are literally the cutest thing I have ever seen!" Damon says and hugs me really tight.

"thank you but no, I am not."

"yes you are, don't fight it." he said and I sighed and looked at him.

"fine. I am somewhat cute." I admit. Of course I am lying I am not cute at all.

"yay." he says and leans on my shoulder like how I always lean on his.

"enough Tumblr I'm bored. What do you guys want to do?" I say and shut my laptop.

"OH OH OH I KNOW WHAT WE COULD DO!" Jason exclaims.

"what do you want to do?" I ask him.

"TATTOO AND PIERCINGS!" he says. I completely forgot about getting my nose pierced.

"okay. We can do that. Let me get dressed first and we can go."

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