"I-I want to ask you something.."

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Ashley's POV

After we got our star bucks, we got back into the car and drove to our next destination.

"it's the park!" I said with a giant smile as we pulled up next to a playground.

"yep! Let's go!" he said and we both got out and raced to the slides. The slides were always my favorite part of playgrounds.

We play on the playground and eventually end up playing tag. We run around chasing each other and laughing and it was so much fun.

"Damon!" I squealed as he finally caught up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind stopping me from moving any further.

"got ya!" I settled down and turned around to face him.

"it's about time too." we both panted, out of breath.

"shut up, your a lot more athletic than me." we both laughed but turned into a coughing fit because we were so out of breath.

"let's go sit down and cool off." I said and he nodded and we sat under a weeping willow and laid down looking up at the beautiful tree.

"its so hot but when you are under a tree its so nice." I say.

"yeah." he panted. We sat there until we finally cooled off. I sat up and began picking some dandelions. I hear some shuffling and look up to see him sitting up next to me smiling at me. I blush and look down and continue picking the petals off of the flower.

"I-I want to ask you something.." he says and I look up at him again confused. What would he want to ask me?

"uh, sure. What is it? Is something wrong?" I ask.

"oh, no. nothing is wrong. Everything is just perfect."

"then what do you want to ask me?" I ask and I see him get a little nervous. This is confusing me even more.

"I was, uh, I was wondering if maybe you would like to go out with me sometime?" my mouth drops open. I seriously thought he would never ask.

"of course, I would love to." I smiled and his head shot up to look at me.

"r-really?" he asks and I laugh.

"yes really. I like you Damon." I say and he smiles the biggest smile I have ever seen before.

"I like you too." I smile and stat blushing like crazy and look down. He scoots next to me and puts his arm around me and I feel like I belong here, in his arms.

I lean my head on his shoulder and see him get a text. I look at his lock screen and it is a picture of us laughing and I am on his back looking at him and he is looking at me smiling. I start blushing and literally feel like saying AWWWWWWWW out loud but I decide to keep it to myself.

He starts laughing and texts whoever it was back.

"Jason wants to know if we started dating yet." he says and I bust out laughing.

"why would he want to know?"

"because he was the one who encouraged me to ask you out. I was too much of a baby and thought you would say no."

"I would never have said no." I look up at him and see him smiling as he texts Jason back.

I could not be any happier than right now. I have my hopefully only boyfriend. I really love Damon Fizzy.

Your Flaws Don't Define You ~ Damon FizzyWhere stories live. Discover now