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Ashley’s POV

The whole car ride home we were holding hands. He was driving with his left hand, holding my left hand with his right hand, and I was texting with my right hand or just looking at the scenery. I couldn’t stop smiling and neither could he. We were both so happy.

We pulled up to the apartments and both got out. Even on our way up to the apartment we were holding hands. We got in the elevator to go up and he hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged him back. It was like we were meant for each other. We molded together perfectly. He rested his head on top of mine and I laid mine on his chest.

“I could stay like this forever.” I admit.

“I could to.” I smile and the elevator bell rings and we pull apart and he puts his arm around me and we walk to his apartment.

“I just noticed how much more I am in your apartment, than I am in mine.” I laughed when he opened the door.

“that’s because my place is better.” he laughed.

“that is true.” we laugh and walk into his apartment and see Jason smirking at us from the couch.

“FINALLY!” he exclaimed as he got off the couch and group hugged us both.

“so when are you going to tell your mum?” he asked me.

“uhh I don’t know. Now I guess.” I said and I grabbed my phone and pressed call when I got to her name in my contacts.

“hi sweetie! Is everything okay?” she asked me.

“uh yeah everything is alright. But if I tell you something, you promise not to get mad?” I ask her and put the phone on speaker.

“you better not be pregnant.” she says sternly and the guys laugh.

“no mum, I’m not pregnant.”

“than what is it?” she asked.

“uh, I don’t really know how to say this, but I’vestarteddating.” I said the end really fast so hopefully she wouldn’t hear me.

“you what?” she says.

“I’ve started dating.” I say slower and Damon sits next to me on the couch and put his arm around me.

“who?” she asks surprisingly calm.

“me ma’am.” Damon says.

“and your name is?”

“Damon.” he says and I sit there bighting my nails.


“o-okay. I will send one when we hang up.”

“okay send me one now! Bye sweetie! Bye Damon!” she says and hangs up.

“okay then. What picture should we send her?” I ask.

“here let me see your phone.” he says and I hand him my phone. He scrolls through the pictures I have on my phone photo album labeled ‘Damon <3’

“really?” he says and shows me a picture I took when he wasn’t paying attention and I was going to delete it but he looked really cute so I kept it.

“yes, you look cute. I bet you have pictures like that of me on your phone.” I say.

“yes I do.” he says and continues looking through my pictures and I laugh.

“let me see them!” I say and give him a pleading look.

“no.” he says flatly before looking out of the corner of his eye at my face.

“please.” I say and pout more.

He groans and hands me his phone. I squeal with excitement until I turn it on.

He has a password.

“really? You have a password?” I complain.

“what do you think it is?” he says giving me a ‘are-you-stupid’ face.

“I have no idea.” he takes his phone and slowly types in his password so I can see.

Of course it is that. I am so stupid.

‘Ashley<3’ I smiled and looked at his photo album labeled ‘My Love <3’ I swear he is the cutest thing ever and I just love him so much.

“oh my gosh! Eww! Why do you have this picture?!” I asked and showed him a hideous picture of me laughing and I look like a horse and I’m not wearing any makeup either!

“oh my gosh eww what!? I love that picture of you! You are always beautiful in my eyes.”

“AWWWWW OTP OTP!” Jason chanted and we both busted up laughing.

“oh shush.” I tell him and cuddle into Damon’s side looking through his pictures of me.

Soon enough when I am close to the end I find a really cute picture of both of us and I send it to myself and when my phone buzzes I steal my phone back from Damon.

“hey!” he groans.

“hey I’m going to send this to my mom because it is really cute and I like it.” it is a picture of both of us laughing and smiling when we were at Disneyland and he took a selfie of us before we got in line to go on California Screamin’. We are both smiling and we just both look really cute. It is going to be my screensaver now.

“oh my gosh you two look so cute together! Tell Damon that he is very handsome and he better treat you right or he will meet my bad side.” I read my mums text out loud and laugh after.

“tell her thanks, and I will defiantly treat you right because you are my girlfriend and I like you very much.” he says and I laugh again.

“I like you very much too.” I say as I texted my mom back.

Your Flaws Don't Define You ~ Damon FizzyWhere stories live. Discover now