Ashley and Damon's Video's

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Ashley’s POV

My turn for my video!

"Well, my name is Ashley Rose, I am 18 years old, I just moved to California from New York about what? 2 weeks ago?” I look at them and they nod.

“yeah about 2 weeks ago, something like that. I always said I wanted freedom since I was little, so I promised myself once I was 18 and had enough money, I would move to get some freedom, so here I am. My hair used to be brown but Jason dared me to dye it and I did and now I need to wash it out soon so yeah I feel really ugly right now because my hair is back and I have NO makeup on, and I never not wear makeup.”

“it’s true, she never leaves the building without some form of makeup on.” Jason says and we all laugh.

“but yeah, I always wear makeup and have my hair down and somewhat styled.”

“and I really think that is all I can say about me right now. I think. I don’t know. But now on to my thoughts on Damon and Jason. Jason you go first.”

“yay I feel special.” he cheers and we laugh.

“that’s because you are.” I laugh and he has a sad face on.

“I’m just kidding.” I say and face the camera and mouth ‘no I’m kidding he’s special.’

“otherwise, Jason you are my crazy, fun, weird, funky haired friend and you are really cool and I am glad I met you. You can deal with my stupidity, and weirdness because you are the same way. You both love to adventure which we need to go out and do that sometime because I still have barley went anywhere but the market, Park, a restaurant, the apartments, and a furniture store. I love adventuring and I love climbing trees, I love nature, so we need to do that!” I say and they nod.

“we need to I bet I could beat you in a tree climbing contest.” Jason says with a smirk.

“no way I was in track so I am a fast runner and I used to go to a place in New York that was an indoor rock climbing place, and I used to climb a lot of trees when I was younger so no way would you beat me I would whip your butt. Oh and I try not to cuss because I just don’t like it.”

“but you have said the f word to your mom while you have been here.” Jason mumbles.

“can you not tell people that?” I laugh and smack his arm.

“ANYWAYS onto Damon.” I say and smile showing my dimples and turn my body so I am somewhat facing him.

“Damon! I am really really happy I accidentally bumped into you! Well, not that I bumped into you, but I’m glad that I met you. I thought you were following me onto my plane in New York and it turns out we sat right next to each other and we talked and laughed all the way here. I don’t think I have laughed so much ever. It was such a fun plane ride, and you comforted me while I was freaking out because I HATE plane rides so much! They scare the death out of me. But yeah, you are such an amazing guy and I would be lost without you. Thank you for being my friend and helping me when I need someone. You have made me realize that if I don’t get pushed out of my comfort zone, I will get nothing accomplished. So I thank you.” I say and he hugs me comfortingly.

“thank you.” he says and I smile.

“your welcome.” I say and we pull back.

“well, my name is Ashley and I am here with Jason and Damon their links for their channels will be in the description below, make sure to subscribe to them, they are really funny and I love them both to death.

Damon’s POV

Now it is my turn to make my video. Shit what should I say about Ashley? Should I say I love you? I guess I’m just going to say whatever comes out of my mouth.

<already talked about Jason and about himself now talking about Ashley>

“now it’s Ashley turn.” I say and she smiles and claps excitedly. I laugh at her cuteness.

“Ashley, I truly never thought we would ever be as close as we are now. I thought you would forget about me and move on and just I would always be ‘the guy with the poke ball plugs from the plane’ but no, I was so wrong. I am so glad that when you got here, we found out we were going to be neighbors. Neighbors right across the hall. My front door is literally 3 feet away from yours, and it is so cool.” I start and she cups her hands over her mouth and looks like she is getting teary eyed. I smile.

“now we are best friends and I am so glad that we are. We are always with each other, always doing new things with each other and you are seriously my best friend. You are drop dead gorgeous, you are funny, you are beautiful, you are strong, you are such an amazing person. And I am glad I get to call you mine.” I say and she lets out a sob and I just hug her. She immediately hugs back and says to me

“I’m glad I met you too.”

“I love you so much Ashley.” I mumble. Shit I shouldn’t have said that. She wont love me back, we just got together yesterday! God I am so stupid.

“I love you too Damon.” my heart melts. She really loves me back?


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