We Are Best Friends Best Friends Do That.

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Hello! thank you guys for 2k reads on my Vic Fuentes book Disasterology! i just updated and said if i get 4k reads by the end of the year i will create a sequel! so if you love Vic Fuentes of Pierce The Veil, and you love me and my books go read it! an sharr about it on instagram and tag #ashley_carlilewattpad and tag @youtubers.bands.life and i will like, comment and shout you out! thank you all so much! here is another chapter i wrote over the weekend!

Xoxo Ashley *~enjoi~*

Ashley's POV

It was a lot of fun last night. We all stayed in my apartment until about 2 in the morning then Jason, Bryan, and Damon went back to their places and Johnnie stayed with me. All of us watched movies, ate junk food, drank a ton of peach tea and monsters, and had a fun pillow fight. After they left it was only Johnnie and I. We stayed up until about 4 in the morning just talking and getting to know each other. That was really fun too. We both fell asleep on the chair in the living room, him on the actual chair facing up and me on top of him on my stomach with my head against his chest and his arms wrapped around me. It was comfy. It was seriously one of the funnest nights ever.

Jason's POV

I had so much fun last night. After Damon, Bryan and I left Johnnie and Ashley stayed there for awhile. I wander what they were doing.

I just got out of bed and I quickly changed. I'm surprised I slept later than Damon. I remember I left my phone in Ashley's apartment. I sigh and walk into the hallway praying the door is unlocked.

And it is.

She needs to lock it or she could be in some serious trouble.

I quietly walk inside and I get to the kitchen and see my phone on the counter by all the empty cans that we drank last night. I go to grab it when something catches my eye. I walk into the living room to get a closer look. I tip toe over to the chair and my eyes widen at what I see.

Johnnie and Ashley cuddling on the chair asleep.

So that's why 'it's complicated'.

I hurriedly but quietly walk back to Damon's apartment and shut the door. I'm going to try to keep this from him because he will be heartbroken.

He may say he doesn't like Ashley like that but I can tell by the way he looks at her that he likes her. And he likes her a lot.

Ashley's POV

I wake up to the soothing smell of Johnnie. I sigh with a smile on my face and look up at him. He is peacefully sleeping with his mouth slightly open. I quietly get up off of him and I stumble into my room wiping the sleep out of my eyes. I walk to the closet and decide that I don't really need to wear anything normal today since I doubt I will be going anywhere but if I do I can just change. I pull on some new underwear and a sports bra with black leggings, and a 3 size too big Nirvanna shirt. But I absolutely adore this shirt. It used to be my dad's shirt and it still remotely smells like him. And it hangs down to my knees so it is very comfy. I put my hair into a high loose bun and take off my makeup from last night. I put on my glasses and walk back into the living room and see that Johnnie is still asleep so I walk across the hall to Damon and Jason's place and look around.

"Ashley." I jump and look into the kitchen and see Jason leaning over the counter sipping a monster.

"geez Jason you scared me." I whisper yelled because I don't know if Damon is asleep or not.

"isn't Damon usually up earlier than you? And it is only" I look at the time on my phone.

"7:30 in the morning."

"honestly I don't know why I was up this early. Want some coffee?" he asks as if he is worried about something.

"uh sure." he nods and pours me a glass while I get the creamer out of the fridge. He hands me the coffee and I smile at him and take it. I don't even bother to measure the amount of cream I just pour some in. I put the cream back in the fridge and take a seat at the table next to Jason. He is quiet. And just knowing him for a few days I already know that is un-normal.

"hey, is everything alright?" I ask and look at him with my eyebrows furrowed.

"uhh, yeah everything is fine." he says really fast and takes a sip of monster.

"Jason, I barley have known you for 3 days and I know it is un-normal when you act like this. What's wrong? I promise I wont tell anybody."

"yeah you wont tell anybody." he mumbles.

"what is that supposed to mean?"

"I know you and Johnnie are together." he looks at me blankly and my mouth drops and eyes widen.

"what? N-no we aren't." I look down at my coffee.

"then why were you asleep on the chair cuddling with his arms around your waist?"

"we are best friends. Best friends do that."

"no, boyfriend girlfriend do that."

"then why did I do practically the same thing with Damon a few days ago? Hmm?"

"I don't know why but I do know you and Johnnie are together so just say you are together and get this over with." I sigh and look down.

"fine me and Johnnie are together." he smiles.

"I knew it."

"no really?" I joke.

"why didn't you want to tell anybody you are together?" he questions.

"because we just met earlier yesterday and I didn't want you guys to think I'm some type of slut that would date any guy in her view." I look down becoming very self conscious.

"Ashley, you know we would never do that to you. We are all just a group of best friends and we don't judge each other." I smile at him.

"thank you Jason." I smiled and went to his side of the table and hugged him. He laughs and hugs me back.

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