What are You Doing Here?

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Ashley's POV

We walk off the flight and gosh I hate flying.

"are you okay?" I look over at Damon who is looking at me with a concerned look.

"uh, yeah why?"

"because your really pale and look sick."

"oh, yeah I'm fine I just don't like flying that much." he gives a relieved look and continues walking to the front with me.

"how are you going to get home?" he asks once we are up front.

"oh, I have my aunt and uncle coming to help me with my stuff and take me home." he nods. We sit there in comfortable silence for awhile until I see my aunt and uncle pull up.

"well, here they are. Thank you so much Damon." I stand and smile down at him.

"for what?"

"for being my friend, showing me where to go, and comforting me when I was nervous. It means a lot." he smiles and stands up.

"your welcome. Here, put your number in and text me when you are home safely and maybe we can hang out sometime." he says nervously and hands me his phone. I put my number in and he texts me his number and I put it in my contacts.

"bye I will text you later." I smile and hug him. He hugs back and I walk to my aunt's car.

"hi sweetie! How was your flight? And who was that boy?" she says as soon as I sit in the car.

"hi guys, my flight was fine. And that guy was Damon. I accidentally bumped into him and he helped me to my flight. And it turned out that he sat right next to me, so we talked the whole way here. He is really nice." I smile just thinking about him.

"well your mother told me to tell you that your not allowed to date. So we don't want you hanging out with that boy anymore." my uncle says and looks at me out of the rear view mirror.

"im 18 now I can do what I want." I say sourly and text Damon.

Ashley- hey

Damon- hi! Whatcha doin?

Ashley- on my way to my house. My aunt and uncle are yelling at me. :/

Damon- awh im sorry.

Ashley- It's okay it isn't your fault.

Damon- I know but still that sucks.

Ashley- what are you doing?

Damon- I just got home.. But I need to run to the market. My friend is eating all of my food.

Ash- really? Tell him to stop. Lol

Damon- I did like 20 times. He better not drink my tea or eat my pasta or that will be the end of him.

Ashley- don't hurt him Damon. I don't want to get a phone call saying you are in Jail. It would make me sad.

Damon- ugh fine. I don't want to make my best friend sad.

Ashley- yay. Im almost at my house now.

Damon- yay! We need to hang out when you get settled in.

Ashley- Yes we do! I will text you my address later and you can possibly come over later.

Damon- yay that sounds fun.

"Ashley we are here get off your phone and get your stuff." My uncle says and I text Damon I have to go and shut off my phone. I get out of the car, grab my stuff and walk into the massive apartment building. It has comfy looking couches and bright clean windows with lots of light coming in, illuminating the beautiful place. I walk to the elevator and press the 9 button. I wait and it dings so I walk out. I look at the numbers on the door and count up to 4. I unlock my door and grab my stuff and hear the door behind me open. I turn around.

"damon?" I ask and he turns around.

"Ashley? What are you doing here?"

"I live here now what are you doing?"

"im heading to the market and I live here also."

"we are neighbors?" I ask and he smiles.

"I guess so. Need any help moving in?" he offers.

"uh not that I know of but when my big stuff get here I will need help because look at these things." I hold up my arms and try making a muscle and it isn't even noticeable. He laughs.

"you sure?"

"yep! Right now I only have my clothes and whatever I shoved in this bag." I point to my small duffle bag.

"okay. Well, if you need help with anything you know my number and where I live now I guess." he chuckles causing me to laugh.

"okay. Have fun at the market." I laugh and he smiles.

"oh I will." he jokes.

"bye Damon."

"bye Ashley." I smile and close my front door. I look around. My kitchen is to my left, my dining... place is to the left with a ceiling fan above me, and straight ahead is the living room. I walk into the living room and see NO furniture. Shoot... guess I will have to go shopping for furniture. I walk to the left of the living room and see a door. I walk in and it is a hallway leading to three other doors. I walk to the first one on my right and it is a small bedroom. It is so small it should be an office. Guess that is what it will be. I back out of the room and go to the one opposite of the office. It is a really big bedroom with a huge floor to ceiling glass window and white lace curtains draped over them. I turn to my left and see a huge walk in closet and a bathroom. Well now I know what the third door in the hallway is.

I walk back out, grab my bags and put them in the closet for now. I walk back out into the living room and decide to text Damon again.

Ashley- do you have a truck? Or know anyone who does?

Damon- I don't have a truck, I have a car. But my roommate has one. His name is Jason he is really nice when he isn't stealing my food. He would probably let you use it. Why?

Ashley- well, I kind of thought that this place had furniture with it but I thought wrong. I need a bed, a dining room table, and a chair.

Damon- wow okay, do you want me to ask him for you and we can go when I get back?

Ashley- yes please I don't want to go alone. I hate being alone.

Damon- aren't you living alone?

Ashley- yes but I have nightlights. I hate the dark. It scares me.

Damon- wow. Okay?

Ashley- stop it I just don't like the dark.

Damon- haha sorry. I will text Jason and call you after.

Ashley- kk I will be in my lonely apartment awaiting your phone call.

Damon- have fun with that.

Ashley- I will. Jk I will be very bored and probably wandering around.

Damon- don't get hurt 'wandering around'

Your Flaws Don't Define You ~ Damon FizzyWhere stories live. Discover now