She Said The F-Word To Her Mum

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Ashley's POV

"Ashley." someone said poking me. I groan.

"Ashley." they hold out the 'y'.

"what?" I turn over and glare at Damon.

"want to do something today?" he asks with an innocent smile.

"like what."

"I don't know. Whatever you want to do." I give him a weird look.


"just because." he smiles and lays down in bed next to me. I shove my head in my pillow and look at him with one eye open.

"why are you staring at me like that?" he asks.

"because you woke me up early."

"early? It's 1 pm."

"that's early for me."

"coming from the girl who woke up at 7 am a few days ago.." Jason says and comes in my room and lays down on top of me.

"you're the one who woke me up." I groan.

"but your phone would have woke you up eventually."

"you're a butt-hole."

"that's not as bad of word as you said to your mum on the phone." he giggles. Aw, man I forgot he heard me say that.

"what did you say?" Damon asks.

"she said the f-word to her mum." Damon's face goes blank until he bursts out laughing.

"you said that to your mom?!" he asked still laughing.

"yes." I said with my face buried in the pillow.

"why did you say that to her?"

"because we were fighting. She said I wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend or any friends that were boys in general."

"but all of your friends are boys." Jason laughs.

"exactly. I-"

"this is not, what it is only baby scars I need your love like a boy needs his mothers side!" my phone screams and scares the poo out of all of us.

"hello?" I ask annoyed.

"Ashley, I'm so sorry for what I have told you the other day. I need to learn that you aren't a little girl anymore." my mom says with a sad tone in her voice.

"it's okay mom, I'm sorry for cussing."

"it's okay, just don't let it happen again."

"I promise. Now why did you call me so early?"

"early? Shouldn't it be one in the afternoon in California?"

"yes, but that is early for me." she laughs.

"your so lazy. But, other than to apologize, I called to say that I am moving back to Manchester!"

"what? Why?" I ask sitting up in bed. The guys give me a weird look but I hold up a finger.

"because I got a better job there! Aren't you happy?"

"I'm happy about your job but what about dad? He is buried in New York! We can't just leave him!" I get out of bed and walk to the living room.

"then you should move back here."

"no! I'm not leaving California and all the friends I have made here!"

"but what about your friends over here?"

"ha! What friends mom? Everyone over there hated me!"

"that is not true! What about Zoë?"

"mom, Zoë bullied me everyday since I was 8. I hated her."

"Ashley, you aren't supposed to hate people, hating is not good."

"you know what mom? I hate A LOT of people!"

"that's not good. God says you shouldn't hate anyone."

"mom. I don't care what he says right now but I hate a lot of people! I hate more people than I like! Get used to it I'm not a little girl who has a carefree life anymore."

"no one has a carefree life sweetie. I'm sorry. But please come visit me in Manchester! I would really like it. I will be all moved in by the end of summer." I sigh and sit at my dining table.

"okay mom. My friend Jason is actually going to take me at the end of summer. His friends over there want to meet me. So I will make sure to drop by when I can."

"okay sweetie. Go back to sleep and make sure to do something productive! You can't be lazy all your life."

"ha ha, yes I can. I am so lazy I barley ever get out of bed or off the couch anymore." she laughs.

"fine. There better be an award or something I can get for having the laziest daughter alive."

"nope, sorry. Ha ha bye mum."

"bye sweetie." I hang up and turn around. The guys are looking at me weird.

"what." I ask.

"want to tell us what you two were talking about?" Jason asks.

"no, not really. Let me get dressed and we can go somewhere." I say and walk into my room. I go to my closet and grab a black baggy tank top and a dark blue tight tank top to go under, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a pair of dark blue toms. I get dressed and head to my bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair. I walk in and scare myself with my reflection. I have black eyes because I guess I didn't take off my makeup last night, and I had a rats nest in my hair! I drag a brush through my hair then brush my teeth and grab my beanie before running out into the living room.

"ready?" they ask and I nod.

"so, where are we going exactly?" I ask and we leave my apartment.

"somewhere you havent been before."

"I havent been a lot of places before, how am I supposed to know what place you guys are talking about?"

"exactly." Damon laughs and I groan.

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