I Told You Not To Hurt Him!

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Ashley's POV

I am laying on the ground.

The cold,

HARD ground.

Fun, I know. But I am bored and have no furniture.

'This is not what it is

Only baby scars

I need your love

Like a boy needs

His mothers side'

My phone blares from across the room. I bet you are asking why it is across the room. It's because it would normally bounce back to me if I threw it against the wall but it didn't the last time I did it so I left it over there because I am lazy. P.s. it has a life proof case so it wont break. amd it's blue. I walk over to my phone and answer it.

"Jello?" I ask.

"Jason said we can use it." Damon says with his happy attitude.


"but he wants to meet you and come with us." he groans and I laugh.

"that's fine. I want to meet him also."

"okay well I just got back so come on over. Just a warning it is messy because I left JASON HERE ALONE FOR 20 MINUTES AND HE MESSED IT UP!" he yelled to who I guess is Jason.

"so yeah come on over whenever." he said once again calm.

"okay be over there in a few minutes." I laugh.

"kk bye girly!" he says in a girl voice.

"haha bye." I hand up and rush to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see that I have no makeup on and my hair is in a mess. And I still have my glasses on. I take my glasses off and I put my contacts in. I take my hair down and leave it in its natural waves. I put on very light natural makeup and decide I look decent. I walk back out, grab my phone, slide my vans back on, and walk over to Damon's place.

Knock! Knock!

I hear some shuffling and some other stuff. Then Damon answers the door.

"hello!" he says sort of out of breath. I raise an eyebrow.

Damon's POV (yay!)

I hang up our phone call and look at Jason.

"she is going to be here in a few minutes." I say and pick up a few things on the floor.

"yay!" he says and starts bouncing on the couch.

"stop that! You are going to break my couch!" I grab his shirt and he falls on top of me.

"ugh get off me fatty!" I say and roll out from under him.

"I am not a fatty! Luke is a fatty!" he says in his British accent.

Knock! Knock!

We both look up at the door than back at each other. We both dart to the door pushing each other out of the way. Jason reaches over and tries to trip me but I only stumble. I run back up to him and jump on his back sending him to the floor. I get off him and run to the door. He grabs my ankle and I fall flat on my face. I wiggle and kick my foot and finally free it from his grip and stand up, adjust my shirt, and answer the door.

"hello!" I say and smile at her. She raises an eyebrow and I start laughing.

"what happened before I got here?" she asks.

"he hurt me!" Jason says still on the floor.

"I told you not to hurt him!" she laughs and walks over to Jason.

Ashley's POV

I laugh and walk over to 'Jason' and reach my hand down and help him up. I study his features. He has puffy light blue pastel hair, light blue eyes, and is really skinny and tall.

"Jason." he says in a slight British accent and reaches his hand out. I smile and shake his hand.

"Ashley." he smiles. All of the sudden he pulls me into a hug. I flinch at the sudden contact but soon hug back.

"I like her, can we keep her? She smells good." he inhales deeply and exhales. Damon and I laugh.

"you're my new best friend." he says.

"okay." I smile up at him.

"I thought you were my best friend?" Damon frowns. I smile with no teeth and hug him super tight and whisper in his ear

"you are my bestest friend. But shh don't tell anyone." he laughs and hugs me back. He soon squeezes me and lifts me off the floor and walks out of the apartment.

"put me down!" I laugh.

"no way!" he smiles.

"im going to break you!" I exclaim.

"no you aren't! You are less than Jason! And he is a twig!" I look back at Jason who is just closing the front door. He starts walking this way.

"am not! I am the average weight for males my age!" I love his accent it amuses me.

"whatever you say." Damon sets me down and we get into the elevator.

We stand in silence in the elevator until we hear it ding. We walk out to the parking lot and pile into Jason's truck.

"we should play 20 questions." Jason suggests.

"okay who goes first?" I ask. I am sitting in the back and Jason is driving and Damon is in the front passenger set.

"I will. Uh, Ashley how old are you?" Jason asks.

"I turned 18 on December 14."

"oh so your birthday was like 6 months ago?" he asks and I nod.

"your turn." he says again.

"okay, uh can I do one to both of you?" I ask and the shrug.

"what do you guys do as jobs?" I am truly curious because I quit my old job because I had to move here.

"we are youtubers." Damon says.

"really?" they nod.

"I need to watch your guys' videos later than." they sigh.

"so now Damon you ask a question."

"okay, uh, Ashley why did you decide to move? And why to California?" oh shoot. How am I going to do this without speaking of my dad?

"I, uh, when I was younger I always wanted to have freedom and back then I wanted to be a singer but then I recorded myself one day and never mind. So I promised myself that I would move to California once I got enough money and boom here I am." nicely worded Ashley.

"oh that's cool. You sing?" Damon asks.

"not anymore."

"you look like you would have a good voice. Sing for us." Jason says and glances back at me.


"why?" they say at the same time.

"because it's embarrassing! And oh, look, we are here! Sorry I can't sing right now!" I say and race out of the truck. They slowly get out behind me and we all walk into the furniture store.

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