BLUEEEEE!!!! Thanks Alot Damon...

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Ashley’s POV

Well. Jason is going to dye my hair now.. We bought the hair dye and now we are going to bleach my hair since it is dark brown almost black hair, then color it.

Jason called in his personal hair bleacher person (idk her name so let’s just call her Roxanne)

She just arrived and we are now going to bleach my hair. I don’t like change so this is a little bit weird.

“I’m nervous.” I say while she is putting on the gloves and mixing the bleach.

“why?” Jason asks.

“because I have never done anything like this to me and I hate change. I just feel, eh about it. I want tattoos and piercings but I have never had the guts to do it.” I say totally honest.

“well don’t be afraid. You will look beautiful afterwards.” Johnnie says and I blush and look down.

“you ready darling?” Roxanne asked me and I nodded slowly.

“don’t be afraid sweetie it will be just fine.” she reassured me. I nod and I feel her move some hair and then some movement and stuff up there. I am truly terrified right now and I don’t know what to do. There is no going back now…

<20 minutes of waiting>

“okay you can go wash it out now it looks really white.” Damon says and I nod and start walking back over to my apartment when he stops.

“just do it here no one is going to see you naked.” I make an unsure face but I head to their bathroom and lock the door. Then I strip and get in the shower. I wash all the bleach out of my hair, then step out of the shower. I dry off and put my lazy clothes on which I was wearing before. It is just a white long sleeve shirt and black leggings. I put my hair up in the towel and walk out and all the guys laugh at me.

“what?” I ask with a confused face.

“y-your hair!” they say and point to the towel.

“oh shush your face.” I say and take the towel out and start drying me hair and it goes silent.

“now what?” I ask annoyed.

“you look so different.” Johnnie says and looks at my hair.

“good different or this was a bad idea different?”

“good? You look amazing! You should do this to your hair more often! It looks so good!” Damon says and I blush.

“thanks.” I say looking down and drying my hair.

“here go blow dry your hair it will be faster.” Jason says and ushers me to the bathroom. He looks around and finds the blow dryer. I sit on the edge of the shower and he starts drying my hair for me.

<10 minutes later>

“ARE YOU DONE YET?!” Johnnie and Damon groan from the living room.

“almost! She has a lot of hair!” Jason says and I laugh.

“well im sorry but that’s how my hair is it is just naturally really thick.” I say.

“clearly.” he laughs and finishes my hair.

“all done! Time for color!” he cheers and we walk out of the bathroom and I sit back down.

“what color did we get?” I ask.

“blue!” Damon cheers and we laugh.

“did you buy it?” I ask.

“of course! They wanted to buy red but I bought blue because I think it would suit you well.” he smile and hands the already made mixture to Roxanne and she starts putting it in my hair. I decide this would take awhile so I go on instagram. I scroll down and it shows that Johnnie and Damon and Jason posted a picture of me and they are all super ugly pictures where I looks super fat. I turn my head and glare at them.

“what?” they ask innocently.

“im going to kill you three when im done with this.”

“why?” they all smile.

“don’t act like you don’t know why. I hate the pictures! I look ugly and fat!” I say and Roxanne moves my head back so I cant look at them.

“oh come on! You don’t look fat and you certainly don’t look ugly.” Damon says and the guys agree with him.

“oh my god stop it! I look like a pig!”

“Ashley stop! No you don’t.” I frown.

“fine. I will get my revenge.” I mumble the last part and continue scrolling down.

<30 minutes later.>

“and the coloring is all finished! You can wash it out now just don’t use shampoo! Bye guys hope you like your hair!” Roxanne says as she hugs me and Jason and says bye to Johnnie and Damon and leaves. I head to my house and once again Damon stops me.

“Ashley just shower here!”

“I don’t want to get your shower all blue though.”

“it’s fine! Actually I think that would be kinda cool.”

“ugh fine.” I mumble and head to the shower. I once againstrip and get in, wash and all that, blah blah blah then I get out and put my clothes back on.

“ready?” someone asks and knocks on the door. I assume its Jason.

“I guess so.” I say and unlock the door and they all come in and gasp.

“whoa! That looks so cool!” Damon says and plays with a strand of it.

“that color really suits you Ashley.” Johnnie says and I smile at him.

“t-thanks.” I blush and look down.

“you blush really easily.” Jason says and pokes my cheek.

“shush your face.” I say and poke his face back smiling.

Your Flaws Don't Define You ~ Damon FizzyWhere stories live. Discover now