What Flavor? Waffle Flavor.

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Chapter 6

Ashley's POV

I slowly open my eyes and notice Damon is sleeping next to me. Oh, now I remember why he is in here. I sit up and grab my phone. And then I realized I slept in my contacts. Shoot! I jump out of bed and go into my apartment. I walk to the bathroom and take them out and put on my glasses. I brush my teeth, straighten my hair, and put on some makeup. I walk into my closet and grab a pair of ripped skinny jeans, red vans, a ton of bracelets and a 'keep your hopes up high and your head down low' a day to remember shirt and change. I walk into my living room. I really need some furniture, and this time we are not bringing it up. That was so hard. Never again am I moving furniture.

I walk back over to Damon's apartment and decide to make them some breakfast since they let me stay the night.

I decide to make them waffles. I get out the waffle iron, plug it in and find some waffle mix. I mix everything together and pour some mix into the iron and press it down. I wait until I smell it starting to burn and I take it out and it is a perfect golden brown color. I repeat that 4 more times so each of the guys have two and I have one. These were pretty big waffles.

When they were done I clean the iron, put it back in the cupboard, and put them on some plates. I get out some whipped cream, and berries to go on top if they would like. I decide to wake Damon first. I tip toe into his room and climb in bed next to him.

"Damon." I whisper and he stirs a bit but stays asleep.

"Damon." I say again and he doesn't move. I say his name a few more times and decide to do something else. I stand up, walk to his side of the bed and lay down on top of him.

"damoonnnnnn." I say poking his cheek.

"what do you want?" he mumbles and cuddles into the pillow more.

"I made some waffles!"


"because I felt bad for staying here the whole night so I wanted to be nice and make you guys some waffles." he smiles and wraps his arms around me.

"thank you." he still has his eyes closed.

"your welcome. I need to go wake up Jason. Brb." I get out of his grip and he groans. I smile and go into Jason's room to wake him up. I lay next to him and poke his cheek.

"jaaaassssoooonnnnn I made some waaaaffffflllleeeessss." his eyes shoot open.

"what kind." he asks me seriously.

"waffle kind." he smirks.

"that's the best kind." we laugh and walk out to the kitchen.

"Damon come on!" I yell and I hear a groan and he soon stumbles out of his room in his P.J.s

"these are so gooddddd!" Jason says as he covers his waffles fully in whipped cream and fruit.

"they are really good." Damon says as he puts blueberries and strawberries on his.

"thank you!" I sit on the couch 'criss-cross apple sauce' style and start eating my waffle. The boys flop on the couch beside me and eat their waffles.

"soooo! What do you two want to do today?" Jason asks smirking at Damon.

"uh, I really don't care. I haven't been here too long so maybe just go around the city?" I suggest and the both shrug and nod.

"so go get dressed and meet here in 20 minutes." Damon says and walks to his room.

"I am already dressed! So I guess I will just uh, chill here until then." I spread out on the couch and get on my phone.

<30 minutes later>

Jason and I are just chilling on the couch talking about youtube, waiting for Damon to be done getting ready.

"you should be a youtuber, you seem like you would have a good life to share about." he suggests and I shift a little bit.

"my life isn't that interesting." I look down and play with my fingers.

"but everyone who watched my video with you in it liked you. You should just make one video and see if that is good enough to start a channel." I sigh.

"fine just one video. And what am I going to make?"

"make a Q&A video. Everybody loves those. And we will be in it with you."

"fine.. We will do it tonight if my bed still isn't here. Okay?"

"okay! DAMON WE ARE GOING TO MAKE A VIDEO WITH ASHLEY TONIGHT!" I flinch at the sudden noise and then smack his shoulder for yelling.

"I KNOW I CAN HEAR YOU FROM IN HERE!" Damon yells from the bathroom.

"what is taking you so long?" Jason groans.

"I had to get dressed also! And that takes awhile because I had to choose out something to wear!" he walks out of the bathroom dressed in a blue t shirt and black skinny jeans with black toms.

"I took 5 minutes to get dressed. And I look fabulous." Jason flips his hair and looks like a drama queen. It was pretty funny.

"I will be right back it looks pretty cold outside I need a jacket."

"It's summer though." Jason says.

"I get cold really easily." I get up from my seat but Damon hands me one of his jackets.

"thank you." I smile at him and he nods and smiles back. I put on his jacket and it is huge on me! The sleeves go way past my hands and the bottom of the jacket hangs down past my bum.

"well let's goooo! Warning I will be vlogging because why not?" Damon says and we walk out to the hallway.

"wait what are we even going to do?" I ask.

"do you want to drive places or penny board?" Jason asks.

"you guys penny board?" I ask.

"yeah do you?" I nod.

"really? That's so cool I don't know many girls that penny board." Damon says.

"yeah why don't we just penny board today? I'm fine with that." I suggest.

"sure. Lets get the boards and go." we split up and I grab my pink and blue penny board out of my bedroom, locked my front door and met them in the hallway.

"ready to go?" Damon asks. I nod and we all get into the elevator and went down.


We start walking out of the elevator when the doors open and I run into something and fall to my bum.

"oh god are you okay?! I'm so sorry!" I look up and smile at the guy with black lines on his face, a fuzzy hat with ears and ray-ban glasses with the lenses poked out. He looks pretty attractive.

Your Flaws Don't Define You ~ Damon FizzyWhere stories live. Discover now