You're Welcome Ashley Rose

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Chapter 5

Ashley's POV

We drove the rest of the way home playing 20 questions. It was pretty fun.

We pull up to our apartments and get out. We see the delivery truck pull up behind us and unload the chair.

"you guys will have to bring this yourselves." the grouchy delivery man tells us before getting back into the truck and driving off.

"ugh really?" I groan.

"we will help you don't worry girly." Damon says and comes next to me. I smile at him.

"I will help too because you have bones as arms." Jason says and stands on the other side of me.

"you're not so much better dude." I say and lift his arm.

"better than you!" he retorts.

"whatever im tired lets just bring this upstairs." I say and walk over to my chair with the guys.

"okay lift on the count of 3... 1...2...3!" I say and we all lift the chair. This thing is gosh dang heavy!

"okay now we need to bring it inside and up to floor number 9. Why do I have to live so far?!" I groan and we walk inside.

"did you have to get the heaviest chair?!" Jason exclaims and has trouble holding onto it but he tries.

"well, im sorry! I didn't know it would have been this heavy!" we get to the elevator and set it down.

"my fingers hurt." Damon mumbles and frowns. I frown at him and pinch his cheek.

"poor Damon." he smacks my hand away and we smile at each other. The door dings open and we lift it up again and continue walking to my door. We set it down in front of it and think.

"well we are screwed. The chair is too big for the door way." Jason says and leans against the walls.

"I will make it fit." I start pushing the chair with all of my weight and strength and it barley moves. I slide to the ground.

"you tired now?" Damon asks me and I nod.

"we will get it in there you go to sleep." Damon says and helps me up.

"no I can do it."

"no you can't. just let us do it. You are jet lagged and tired. Just go to my room and go to sleep." he opens his front door and leads me to his room.

"thank you Damon." I smile at him.

"no problem Ashley rose."

"are you seriously going to call me that now?" I ask.

"yup!" he says and pops the 'p' then walks back out. I sit on his bed and wow is it soft. I take off my shoes and jacket then get under the covers and fall asleep.

Damon's POV

I walk back out of my apartment and go back to Jason. He is smiling at me.

"what?" I ask.

"you like her." he wiggles his eyebrows.

"no I don't. we are just best friends." I roll my eyes.

"I see the way you look at her. You like her." he smile.

"stop it."

"you do like her!" yes I do have a crush but it will go away soon.

"Jason I said stop."

"Damon and Ashley kissing in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g" he jumps around singing the song and I roll my eyes and blush.

"let's just get this thing in here." he stops jumping around and stands there smiling at me like a creeper.

"Jason, don't say it again."


"Jason." I warn him.


"Jason! Stop!"

"her! You like her! You like her!" he starts jumping around and I sigh.

"can we just get this in there?" I ask getting annoyed.

"fine but we will continue this later." he bends down and we pick up the couch and try to fit it in the door way.

"ugh this is hard!" Jason complains. We try to fit in many ways and finally after about 30 minutes of trying we get it in.

"we got it!" Jason high fives me and we put it in the corner of the room and head back to our apartment. I go to the kitchen and grab a razzleberry peace tea and sit on the couch. Jason looks like he is concentrating really hard.

"what are you do-"

"shh." I give him a questioning look.

"do you hear that?" he asks.


"it sounds like crying. Is Ashley okay?" he asks.

"let me go check on her." I stand up and walk into my room to find her crying in her sleep.

"Ashley? Ashley wake up." she continues crying and I feel really bad for her even though I don't know why she is crying.

"Ashley please wake up." I shake her a little bit and she stops crying and opens her bright blue bloodshot eyes.

"what's wrong?" I ask her. She sits up and rubs her eyes.

"n-nightmare." she mumbles and sniffles

"do you want to talk about it?" I ask her.


"okay just remember if you need to talk about anything you can talk to me and even Jason. We will drop whatever we are doing to help you." she smiles a bit.

"thank y-you. It m-means a lot." she hugs me and I immediately put my arms around her. We stay like that for awhile until she yawns.

"go back to sleep.. It's late. I'll be in the living room if you need me." I stand up but she grabs my wrist and I turn to see her looking at me with pleading eyes.

"stay with me... please?" she asks. I nod and lay down with her. We lay looking at each other.

"thank you Damon." she smiles at me.

"you're welcome Ashley Rose." I wink at her and she rolls her eyes.

"seriously?" she asks. I laugh and nod.

"whatever." she smiles and chuckles a bit.

"goodnight Damon." she closes her eyes.

"goodnight Ashley." I close my eyes and soon we are both asleep.

Your Flaws Don't Define You ~ Damon FizzyWhere stories live. Discover now