What Happened?

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Ashley's POV

<the following day>

I woke up in Damon's bed again. Wow, surprise surprise. (note the sarcasm) I look behind me and see Damon sleeping peacefully. I 'awe' to myself and slowly get out of his grip and walk to the kitchen. I look down and notice what I am wearing and I freak out.

One of Damon's shirts, NO BRA, and underwear. And my underwear just so happens to be a THONG.


"hey is everything alright?" I scream and turn around to see Damon standing there with a confused face.

"what happened last night?" I asked freaking out a little bit.

"nothing why?" he asked and came over to me and put his hands on my hips.

"why am I in my underwear and one of your shirts with no bra?!" I fold my arms over my chest so he doesn't see anything.

"because I told you to just sleep over here again but you didn't have any clothes here so I gave you my shirt and you said bra's were uncomfortable so I just said to take it off. I didn't mind."

"why don't I remember any of that?" I asked and looked up at him. He was looking down at me with love clear in his eyes. I felt my heart swell up with love. He clearly has feelings for me, and I find it adorable.

"probably because you were half asleep. You fell asleep on me on the couch, and when I laid you down on my bed that's when it all happened." he said and I thought back to what I remember from last night. Oh yeah I did fall asleep on Damon.

"oh." I said and he laughed and hugged me. I felt uncomfortable because I had no bra on but I unhooked my arms and hugged him back. We stood like that for a moment until I remembered I was in my underwear and Jason could come out here any minute.

"I'm going to go change so Jason doesn't see me in my underwear." I say and pull away from the hug.

"awh." he frowns.

"you will have more chances, I just don't want Jason to come out and see me-"

"GOOD LORD JESUS ASHLEY GET SOME CLOTHES ON!!" I shriek and jump behind Damon so he can't see me. Of course Jason comes out.

"I was just going to change!"

"you should have done it sooner!"

"I'm going now!" I said and pulled the shirt down a little bit lower since it already covered half my butt and walked to my apartment. I opened my front door and went to my bedroom. I grabbed a bra, new underwear, and some black skinny jeans with holes on the knees and I will just continue wearing Damon's shirt because it is comfortable and mine now.

I put my hair up in a loose bun so I can put my makeup on. I strip of my old clothes, and put on my new ones. Then I curl the ends of my still blue hair, which I need to re-dye soon, and then I put on some natural colored makeup but a lot of mascara to make my eyes really big.

I finish everything I need then I put on some deodorant and some good smelling perfume. I am ready to go back over and see my boyfriend. Wow that sounded weird. But I liked it.

I smile to myself and walk back over to Damon's house after slipping on some blue toms to match his 'messy hair don't care' shirt I am wearing, Its so big and comfy and I love it so much.

"there Jason, I am now fully clothed." I walk in and Damon sees me still in his shirt and smirks.

"it's my shirt now." I say and hug myself and he laughs.

"fine." he says and I go over to him and hug him from behind like how he does to me.

"so this is what it feels like when I do it. Hmm that's nice." I laugh and let go. He pouts and I grab one of his peace teas out of the fridge.

"hey that's mine!" he says and I lean on the counter next to him.

"so is the shirt, but your not getting either back anytime soon." I smirk at him and he pouts again with his puppy dog eyes. Oh my god if he is going to do this every time he pouts I am going to break every time.

'don't look at him Ashley. don't look at him.' I told myself.

'but he is so cute how could I not?' I argued.

"ugh fine here." I said and gave him the peace tea can so he can have some. He smiled and took a sip then handed it back. I took it and sat on the couch next to Jason.

"Jaasooonnnnn." I say and lean on him.

"what do you want." he says blankly.

"can you re dye my hair for me pleassseeeee?" I ask.

"what color would you like?" he asked. He loves doing my hair because its almost the same length as his. I want Jason to do my hair for Halloween because I think I would make a good Jason.

"uhh Damon what color should I dye my hair?" I ask.

"hmm... blue." he smiles.

"I just had blue though."

"blue is my favorite color and you are my girlfriend and you look good in blue." I blush and smile.

"fine I will get blue and purple. Do my roots purple and tips blue? Is that possible?" I ask Jason.

"yeah, I was actually going to do that to my hair also."

"lets be twins." I say and we share this connection, not sexual or love or anything like that but like brother sister, best friend bond where you can have an conversation with facial expressions.

"yeeesssss lets go to hot topic and get some dye!" he says.

"yay!" we both jump up off the couch and Damon laughs.

"you two are so weird." he laughs and shakes his head.

"I know." we say at the same time and look at each other with the same 'oh my god, we did not just say that at the same time' face, then we both busted out laughing.

"let's go!" I said and grabbed my keys off the counter and ran to the door.

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