Starbucks Man.

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hello guys! just wanted to say sorry for not uploading as much as i would like to but here is another chapter! comment what you think of the story so far! i love to hear feedback! thank you all so much for reading this!

Damon’s POV

After I said bye to Ashley I walked over to my place and sat next to a very girly Jason.

“why are you still wearing Ashley’s clothes?” I ask him.

“because I look fabulous! Duh!” he says and flips his hair. I laugh at his stupidity.

“I cant believe we have to leave next week.” he sad smiles at me.

“I know… Does Ashley know were leaving?”

“I don’t think so. I don’t even think she knows that we have a tour to go on. We can tell her tomorrow.”

“okay… she’s not going to take it good is she?”

“I really don’t know…” I say and stand up.

“well, goodnight. Im tired… talk to you in the morning.” I say and he mumbles a goodnight in response as I walk to my bedroom to get ready for bed.

<next Morning>

I look around my room for the clock and see that it is only 8 in the morning. Too early, but I decide to get up anyways. I stumble around to find a shirt and I find a blue ‘old man’ sweater. I don’t care what people say I think they are very comfortable. I walk out into the living room and grab a water before sitting back on the couch. I turn on TV and start watching the walking dead. (idk if he watches this but lets just say he does)

Knock! Knock!

I get confused and walk to the door and answer it.

“hello?” I open it and see Ashley standing there.

“hi I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the market? I don’t like shopping by myself I feel awkward.”

“sure just let me get dressed and then we can go. By the way you know you don’t have to knock you can just walk in.” I laugh.

“I know but I feel bad because this isn’t my house.”

“my house is your house. Just walk on in.” she smiles that adorable smile that shows only one dimple. I think its cute how she only has one.

“thanks.” she blushes and I open the door so she can walk in.

“do anything you want and let me get dressed.” I say and she mumbles an okay and sits down and starts watching TV.

“you like the walking dead?” she asks and I turn around in my bedroom doorway.’

“yeah, you?”

“favorite TV show ever!” she lifts up her sweatshirt and shows that she is wearing a white t-shirt that has the logo of the walking dead on it. I smile at her.

“cool shirt.” I wink and she laughs. I walk into my room to dressed.

Ashley’s POV

I settle myself on the couch wearing my Plain black sweatshirt, walking dead shirt under, and my black leggings and white high top vans.

I really love the walking dead. I didn’t know that Damon watches this. This is what I think the best episode ever because the rotten governor finally dies! When I first watched it I cried when Hershel died, scream ‘go Rick!’ when they were fighting and then yelled again ‘get that bastard Michonne!’. I am a huge fan if you cant tell.

Damon walks out of his room in one of his ‘old man’ sweaters which look absolutely adorable on him.

Bad thoughts Ashley! don’t think like that you have Johnnie!

“ready to go?” he asks me.

“yup!” I get off the couch and grab my phone. He opens the front door for me and I thank him by smiling and we walk out.

<at the market>

We both get out of the car and grab a cart.

“as long as I am here I better get more food since Jason is eating all of mine” he laughs.

“how is he so skinny if he loves food?” I laugh with him.

“truthfully I have no idea.” we start walking down the aisles. We both grab a lot of pasta because pasta is amazing!

“you like Pasta too?” I asked him.

“yeah have you not seen the framed picture of it in my apartment?”

“guess that proves how much I pay attention.” we laugh and stroll down more aisles.

We grab some milk (almond milk because we are vegans), fruit and some monsters, rockstars, and teas before we leave..

“want to stop by starbucks?” he asks me.

“sure I haven’t had starbucks in awhile.” I smile and we get in the car and drive to starbucks.

We pull into the parking lot of starbucks and walk in.

“why does starbucks always have a long line when I decide to come?” I laugh.

“I don’t know. Why do the people always write David on my cup?” I laugh even harder.

“are you serious? They write David instead of Damon?”

“yep! They hate me here too!”

“they hate us both!” we laugh and high five.

“I don’t think that’s something to be proud of.” I say still laughing.

“to me it’s an accomplishment!” I laugh harder.

“hello welcome to starbucks may I take your order?” the guy at the counter asks.

“what do you want? I will pay.” Damon asks me.

“I will buy mine. You order.”

“you order first.” I groan.

“fine. One grande passion tea sweetened please.” he nods and grabs a cup.

“name?“ he asks.

“Ashley. A-s-h-l-e-y.“ I spell it out because they always spell my name wrong in here. I take money out of my wallet but Damon grabs my wallet and puts it in his pocket.

“Damon!” I groan.

“what?” he says in the same tone I used.

“I said I would pay!”

“well, that’s too bad because I am paying!” I pout and cross my arms.

“aww you look so cute doing that!” he says and grabs my cheeks like a grandma would do to her grandchildren.

“stop it.” I laugh and I slap his hands away blushing.

“you two are a very cute couple.” the guy says and smiles.

“oh we aren’t a couple were just friends.” we both say.

“honest mistake. Would you like anything else?”

“yeah can I get a grande iced hazelnut coffee please.” the guy nods and starts making our coffee after Damon paid. We sat down in these super comfy chairs and started waiting for our coffee.

“so later today do you want to go get your bed?” Damon asked.

“if it is still there sure.”

“it will be there. You bought it already so they shouldn’t have sold it to anyone.” I nod.

“Ashley!” I looked over and the guy was holding my drink.

“be right back.” I mumbled and went to go get my drink.

Your Flaws Don't Define You ~ Damon FizzyWhere stories live. Discover now