Jason's Video!

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Ashley's POV

"hello! It's Jason, and I am here in Ashley's bedroom where she NEVER SLEEPS." he says and glares at Damon and I, and I bite my lip and stifle a laugh and Damon just laughs.

"and I'm with Damon and Ashley." he continues.

"hello." I wave and blush still because of what Jason said.

"hi guys." Damon says and waves.

"we are going to make 3 videos today, really only doing the same stuff in each, but I still advise you to watch them all because I will be talking about me in mine and I will also be talking about how much I love these two people right here and how we met and first impressions! And they will do the same in there's but about me and the other person."

"yeah. So in my video I will talk about myself, and then talk about first impressions and how we met and how much I love Ashley and Jason." Damon says and smiles at me. I smile back at him.

"okay! So this is me talking right now!" Jason says.

"well as you guys know, my name is Jason Viohni, and I am a you tuber who lives in the UK with some of his best friends, and uh I am 23. I like Skrillex, I have been to a Katy Perry concert, I vlog a lot. Wow this is harder than I expected. Uh lets just skip to me talking about Ashley and Damon. Damon you are a really funny guy and a really good friend and I am really glad I met you a few months ago, you are an overall amazing person and you can actually put up with my weirdness-"

"most of the time." Damon mumbles and I burst in laugher. Causing Damon and Jason to laugh also.

"oh my gosh I am going to die thanks a lot!" I said still laughing really hard.

"don't die! Don't die!" Damon says and he stands on my bed and starts jumping up and down really hard so I practically am jumping on the bed and the last time he jumps really hard and I fly like 2 feet off the bed and we all die of laughter. Like we have 2 full minutes of us just laughing.

"okay! Now I talk about Ashley!"

"is it bad that I am kind of scared?" I ask Damon and he shakes his head.

"hey!" Jason says faking hurt.

"well sorry! I can't help how I feel!" I say and Damon laughs.

"fine! Ashley is the worst person you could ever meet! She is so rude and bitchy and nobody loves her!" I smile showing my dimples and he rolls his eyes.

"that doesn't work on me only Damon." he says and I laugh.

"what?" Damon asks and gives us both confused faces.

"NOTHING! Nothing." I say and do the same smile on him and he smiles back at me. Wow that really does only work on him.

"no, but really, Ashley is seriously one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet. She is so funny, and charming, and pretty, and sweet and she is just overall an amazing person." I am touched. How sweet.

"awe Jason." I say and hug his side and squeeze.

"that was so sweet of you." I say and smile then let him go.

"anyways my name is Jason this is Ashley and Damon, go follow their channels, their links will be down below in the description! Bye!" he says and both Damon and Jason put their finger to their head and pretend to die and I am just sitting there like what the heck just happened?

"uh what am I supposed to do now?" I whisper to them.

"you're supposed to die!" they whisper back.

"oh, okay!" I say and fall straight back and hit my head on the wall with a big thud and laugh really hard.

"was that your head?!" Jason asked.

"yes!" I laughed.

"why are you laughing?" Damon said sitting back up to look at me.

"because it didn't hurt and I am a idiot." I laughed even harder and I even got them to laugh. Jason ended the video after 4 and a half minutes of just us laughing because I hit my head.

I guess you could say we are all really good friends.

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