The Return Of Burt!

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Damon's POV

We just sat there for what seemed like forever. I don't believe that she doesn't know why Johnnie broke up with her. I think she just doesn't want to tell me.

Now we are just sitting here, with her on my lap and my arms around her. Her head is resting on my shoulder and her eyes are closed. I think she fell asleep.

"want me to go get your bed?" I whispered just in case she was asleep.

"I'll go with you" she said and got off of my lap and I was instantly cold. She walked to her bedroom and I got up and checked twitter. I was scrolling through my feed when Ashley came out with her makeup off and sweats and then white 'the walking dead' shirt she had on earlier.

"ready to go?" I ask and she smiles and nods. I get up and walk out in the hallway with her. We have to get the truck keys so I walk back into the apartment and walk to the kitchen where the key rack is.

"hi Ashley." Jason says and smiles at Ashley.

"hi Jason." she says trying to imitate his accent. It was pretty good.

"you do a good British accent." I said.

"thanks. I used to live in Manchester for 8 years. So I got used to it."

"you used to live in Manchester? I didn't know that." Jason said and Ashley sighed.

"there's a lot you two don't know about me." she said and looked down. I gave Jason a weird look but shook it off.

"ready to go?" I asked her and her head shot up to look at me.

"yep. Jason want to come with us?"

"no I have to edit the video we made yesterday. Thanks for the offer though." Ashley smiles at Jason and we say our goodbyes and then we leave the apartment building.

"that's really cool you used to live in Manchester." I said as we got in the elevator.

"yeah I was born and raised in there. If you ever meet my mum she has a really thick accent."

"really?" she nods.

"that's so cool. I want to meet your mom now." we laugh and walk through the lobby out to Jason's truck.

"she's not as cool as what I make her seem like." she laughs and we get into the truck.

"but still probably cooler than my mom."

"no way! Your mum sounds so much cooler than mine!"

"she is pretty cool but she doesn't have a flipping British accent!" we laugh and start driving to the furniture store.


Ashley's POV

"what do you mean you sold it?!" I yelled to the front desk lady. Thank god I told Damon to wait in the car.

"we told you on the phone to come pick it up yesterday and you didn't come so we sold it. We can order you another one though." she said in her sour voice. She is trying to act sweet but it's not working.

"oh my god. You have to be kidding me right now.. Fine! Whatever! Just order a new bed." I sigh and put my head in my hands.

"please just sign here and confirm your address and we will send a new one." I sign the paper and confirm the address and walk out to the truck and get in.

"hey how'd it go?" Damon asked when I buckled my seat belt.

"horrible. They sold my bed so now I need to wait to get another one. But at least they promised that they would deliver and install it." I gave a sigh of relief.

"well at least your getting a new bed. It might not come today but you can stay in my bed until it's here."

"Damon, no I can't take your bed from you for that long. It might not come ranging from a day to 2 weeks. I couldn't do that to you."

"Ashley, come on. Just stay with us until your bed gets here." I sigh.

"fine. But I get the couch and you are getting your bed."

"I would rather me be sore and achy from the couch than you."

"Damon, I don't want to do that to you! You have a busier life than me!"

"no I don't! if you didn't ask me to go somewhere with you all the time, I would be sitting at home with Jason all day." I laugh,

"okay fine. You win."

"yay! Damon:1 Ashley:0!!" I look at him.

"your keeping score?"

"might as well figuring that we are going to be friends forever." he smirks and I laugh.

"good point." we laugh together and drive home.

"this is not what it is only baby scars, I need your love like a boy needs his mothers side." my phone rings from my back pocket and I answer it.

"hello?" I ask.


"Burt! Oh my gosh how are you?" Damon gives me a weird look but I put my pointer finger up signaling to wait a minute.

"good sweetie how about yourself?"

"im good. Really good actually. Not to be rude or anything but why are you calling?"

"because I am outside of your new house with all your old furniture and other stuff that you couldn't take as a carry on!"

"are you serious? Oh my gosh Burt! Thank you so much! I will be home in like 5 minutes so just sit tight!"

"okay sweetie! Take your time!"

"okay Burt. Thank you!"

"no problem sweetie see you soon."

"bye!" I hang up and Damon looks at me again.

"explain who 'burt' it." he says with a small smile.

"okay, Burt is my Dad's best friend and he became my father figure when... my dad d-died... and he dropped me off at the airport on the day we met and he has been driving ever since then and now he is outside of the building with all of my stuff that I couldn't bring on the plane!"

"well Burt sounds like a nice man." he laughs,

"he is. You will like him."

"I will definatly like him. He sounds cool."

"he is." I smile and we pull up to the building and I see Burt's huge truck and Burt standing against the door smoking. We pull into the parking spot we had before and I get out and run to Burt.

"Burt!" I say and jump on him when he stomps out the cigarette.

"hey Sweetie! How are you doing?" he hugs me tight.

"we just had this conversation not too long ago." I laugh and step back and notice Damon standing there awkwardly.

"and who is this?" Burt asks.

"oh this is my new friend Damon."

"Damon this is Burt." they smile at each other and shake hands. I stand there smiling like an idiot.

"well, let's get my stuff out and into my house!" I say and Burt opens the back.

"wow you didn't have a lot to move."

"most of it was broken or I didn't have it." I say and grab a box. I opened it and all It was, was my old cd's. I smiled remembering all the memories held with them.

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