Hot Topic

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Ashley’s POV

<at Hot Topic>

“I actually need more clothes so I can look while we are here too.” I smile with no teeth and let my dimples show.

“you have dimples?” Damon asks and I nod.

“yeah but only when I smile with no teeth which I never do so.” I said smiling like that again.

“you look so cute with dimples.” he says and I blush again as we walk into hot topic.

“I actually really want to get my nose pierced so I want to buy some studs and rings too.” I said and they both looked at me.

“you want to get something pierced?” Jason asked me.

“yeah I already have a few piercing. I used to have my cheeks pierced too but I took them out when I was 17 because I didn’t like them at the time but I really like them now and I want them back.”

“I could actually picture you with cheek piercings. And you would be one of the only people I know who would look good with your nose pierced.” Damon said and I blushed.

“and if I put my cheek piercings back in they can give me dimples when I smile normally.”

“yes, do it! I love when you have dimples!” Damon said and I laughed.

“take me to a piercing parlor and I will get my nose and cheeks pierced. And I really want a small tattoo but I think that can wait. I don’t want to look too weird all of the sudden, I will wait for the tattoo.”

“want to go later? I’ve been wanting a tattoo also but never really had a reason to go, but if you want something pierced now I have a reason to go.” Jason said and I cheered.

“wait, you said you already have something pierced. What is it?” Damon asked. I lifted up my shirt slightly to show them my belly button and hips are pierced.

“you have your hips pierced?” they asked and I nod and push back some hair on my right ear to show them I have a industrial bar there.

“ooooh I like that.” Damon said and I smiled and walked back to the piercings.

“there are so many. What should I get?” I ask when we get to the racks.

“I like these.” Jason says pointing out some different colored rings. There is blue, red, black, purple and silver rings.

“ooh I like those.” I smiled.

“what about these?” Damon asked and showed me a pack of studs that were really small silver and gold infinity symbols and just a plain silver stud.

“ooh I really like those too. I will get them both.” I said and pulled them out of the case.

“now I need to look for some clothes.” I say and go to the clothes.

“do you need shirts or pants or?” Damon asks.

“I need more pants because I have a lot of shorts and I don’t like wearing shorts.”

“why? You look fine in shorts.” Jason says.

“but I don’t like my” I look down and mumble scars.

“your what?” he asks. I look at Damon and he looks at me. I have only worn shorts in front of Jason once and it was dark.

“scars.” I say a little more loud but only loud enough where he could hear me.

“oh. Well those just prove how strong you are for keeping your life going. I have them too.” my head snaps up and I look at him.

“you’re not alone in this battle Ashley. You can always talk to us.” I smiled.

“and that’s why I love you both.” I smile and keep looking through the racks of pants.

“what size are you?” Damon asks me.

“I don’t know, I usually don’t shop here for jeans just shirts.”

“what size are your jeans right now?” Jason asked.

“I don’t know. 2-3 I’m guessing.”

“here try on a 1 and 3.” Damon says handing me one of each and Jason pushes me to the dressing rooms.

“gees pushy little shits.” I say and lock the door and strip of my jeans and try on the 3 first.

“here is the 3.” I say and walk out of the dressing room.

“are they big?” Damon asked me.

“kind of, but the ones look really small.”

“just try them.” Jason said and I sighed.

“fine.” I groan and step back into the dressing room.

“oh and try this on too!” Damon says and hands me a blue dress over the door.

“you really like blue don’t you?” I laugh.

“yes very much.” I laugh again and finally get the jeans on.

“here are the ones.” I come out of the dressing room and they look at them.

“do they fit or are they too tight?” Jason asks.

“kind of in the middle. I could stand them but they are tight. Should I get them or the 3’s?”

“I think you should get those. They look better because they are tighter. I don’t really like loose jeans.”

“okay.” I say and smile. I go back in and change and put on the dress.

“I like this dress.” I say and walk out.

“spin around.” Jason says and I do so.

“I really like that on you.” Damon says and I blush and smile.

“you like everything on her!” Jason says and I laugh.

“well can you blame me?” I blush and go back and change into my normal clothes. I grab my clothes and come out of the dressing room.

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