I Am Not Wearing That.

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Ashley’s POV

<after dying hair and drying it>

“well, since my hair is done I need to go pick out an outfit for Jason to wear.” I smirk.

“well, since your hair is done I need to go pick out an outfit for Ashley to wear.” he smirked back.

“oh joy. Be right back.” I said and stood up and walked to my apartment. I went straight to my bedroom and to the closet. I need to find a shirt. I already know what type of “pants” he is going to wear. *evil laugh*

I chose out a perfect shirt. It was already tight on me so it will be extra tight on Jason. I chose out a shirt that said ‘I don’t sweat I sparkle!’ and really short Hollister booty shorts. I never wear them anymore because over the years I have become super self conscious and truly I don’t even know why I have them anymore. I am still the same size as I used to be possibly smaller. I am deciding if I should change anything when I feel arms snake around my waist and a head on my shoulder.

“you look beautiful with blue hair.” Johnnie whispered in my ear and I shivered.

“thanks.” I blush again and look down. It’s a habit.

“your beautiful when you blush.”

“stop it.” I blush even more.

“no.” I turn around so his arms are still around my waist and my arms around his neck.

“I found the perfect outfit for Jason.” I smirked as did he.

“you did, did you?” I nodded.

“show me.” I turned around and picked up what I found him.

“why don’t you wear this everyday?” he asked picking up the shorts.

“because I look like a slut and a fatty in them.”

“you are not a slut and you defiantly aren’t fat either. Hell you are as big as my finger.”

“whatever lets just go.” I grab the shorts from him and start walking out but he pulls me back and spins me around to face him.

“I didn’t mean to make you mad.” he frowned. Now I feel bad.

“no, it’s okay.” I sigh.

“I just don’t like wearing them. I used to but then I got super self-conscious…”


“I don’t want to talk about this right now…”

“I’m sorry.” he says and kisses my head and we walk back to Damon’s apartment.

“hey we are back did Jason find an outfit yet?”

“almost!” I hear him yell from the guest bedroom.

“well, hurry up!”

“trying!” we hear some shuffling and then he comes out.

“ready to show?” I ask and he nods.

“well, for you I got this.” I said and held up the short shorts and tight tank top. Damon burst into laughter and Jason’s mouth fell to the ground.

“I am not wearing that.”

“you have to. You promised me that if I colored my hair you would do this with me.” he sighs and shows me what he found.

“I found you this.” he says and holds up the outfit. It is a shirt that says ‘all hate goes to my dick’ and skinny jeans.

“why that shirt? I don’t even like saying that word it is disgusting.” I make a disgusted face and look at him.

“that’s why I chose it.” he smirks.

“fine.” I say and take the clothes and go into the bathroom to get changed.

“Jason! Your pants are so long on me!” I say and come out holding the waist band of the jeans because he is about 5 inches taller than me and heavier than me so these pants are huge!

“how are you so skinny!” he says and come out in the shorts and a tank top which are way to small for him.

“ha! And you can’t even button them!” Damon and Johnnie burst out with laughter again.

“ha ha ha. I am not going out in public like this.”

“oh yes you are. Now come on.” I pull his wrist, grab a camera and walk out of the apartment. He groans and I laugh along with Damon and Johnnie.

<4 hours later>

“I cannot believe I went out in public like this!” Jason said and fell onto the couch once we got back inside. Johnnie had to go back home earlier so it was just us 3 left.

“your fault for making me dye my hair!” I said.

“I am going to go change now. And goodnight while I am at it.” I say and the guys groan.

“oh hush your faces. Im going to be across the hall!” I laugh and go back to change.

“GOODNIGHT!” they scream when the door is closed. I laughed and unlocked the door to my apartment and then I remembered something.

“GOSH DANGIT!!! UGH!!!” I cursed as loud as possible. I was supposed to get my bed today! How could I forget?!

“hey is everything alright?” Damon poked his head in.

“no! I was supposed to go pick up my bed today! But it’s 11 pm and they are closed! How could I be so stupid!” I grabbed my hair and groaned.

“can’t you get it tomorrow?”

“I sure hope so.”

“do you need a place to sleep?” he asked me.

“no I can sleep on the chair. I did last night.” I half smiled.

“okay well, I will keep our door unlocked in case you need anything.” he smiled.

“thank you Damon.” I smile brightly at him.

“anything for you Ashley Rose.” he smiles and closes my door. I sigh and take all of Jason’s clothes off and (wow that sounded sexual) and put on some black booty shorts since I wasn’t going to be seeing anyone tonight as well as a big oversized sweatshirt. I found a soft blanket and cuddled up to it on the couch. I kept the kitchen light on because when it was night time it was freaking dark. I listened to the quiet sound of NOTHING and eventually fell asleep.

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