The End.

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Ashley's POV

"Ashley.. Babe, wake up." I flutter my eyes open and see Damon smiling sadly at me.

"I have to leave soon." I sniffle and sit up on the couch.

"I don't want you to go." I say and he kneels down in front of me and grabs my hands in his.

"I know, I don't want to go either." he says sadly. He stands up and pulls me up with him then hugs me tightly.

"I'm going to miss you." I mumble into his chest.

"I'm going to miss you too."

"promise to take a lot of videos and have a lot of fun." I smile sadly.

"as long as you continue to make you tube videos." I laugh.

"I will try. It will be hard to do it without you or Jason, but I'm sure I could probably do some."

"good. I will call you every day, text you, skype you."

"okay." I.

"come on Damon, we need to go." I hear Jason say and we let each other go. I walk up to Jason and hug him tightly.

"I will miss you. Have fun and call me every now and then."

"I will miss you too. And I will defiantly call you." he pulls away and they both grab their stuff and smile sadly at me.

"have fun and be safe." Jason says and I laugh.

"you don't have to worry about me getting hurt. I should be the one telling you guys that." I say and we all laugh.

"true." they say and we all stand their smiling sadly at each other.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much." I say and cry just a little. They pull me into a group hug and then I start crying more.

"we're going to miss you too."

Knock! Knock!

"hey guys, come on we need to leave!" Bryan says as he walks in with Johnnie close behind. When he sees me he instantly looks down at his feet. It must have hurt really bad when we broke up... I feel horrible.

"sorry for holding them back." I say and We pull out of the group hug and I wipe my tears away.

"it's okay." Bryan says and smiles sadly. I nod and look over at Johnnie again. He is looking at me until he sees me looking at him then he looks away again. I decide to walk up to him and hug him. He is startled but puts his arms around me tightly.

"I'm really sorry Johnnie." I whisper.

"for what? You didn't do anything."

"I know but, I saw that picture Bryan posted the day after we broke up and I got really sad, and I'm just really sorry."

"it's okay. I'm sorry too. At least you and Damon are together finally." he says as we pull apart. I smile at him.

"yeah, I know." I smile and chuckle at Damon. He is laughing and talking about Warped with Bryan and Jason.

"So you got your nose and cheeks pierced? it looks really good, I like it." he compliments and I smile again.

"Thank you." I say.

"well, make sure to have fun while there. And be safe." I say and he laughs.

"I will. Please come visit us it would be really nice to see you there." he smiles.

"I will definatly do that some time this summer."

"guys, it's 7. We need to leave." every one nods and I give them all a hug again, but hug Damon last.

"I'm going to miss you the most." I whisper and he chuckles.

"I will miss you so much. I love you Ashley." he says and I smile.

"I love you too Damon." he loosens his grip around my waist. We look at each other for just a moment until he slowly leans down.

'HES GOING TO KISS ME!!' I screamed inside my head. I lean closer and close my eyes and our lips meet and instantly melt together. I put my arms around his neck and he tightens his grip on my waist. It's like we were made for each other. We pull away and smile at each other.

"stay here as long as you want, and come over whenever. You have my key." he says smiling.

"okay. Have fun and call me later." I say and we kiss one more time and then he leaves for Warped tour.

I'm going to miss those boys so much.

I close his front door and sit on the couch and look around his apartment. Its so empty without Damon and Jason here. I put my head in between my knees and start to cry. I cry for about 20 minutes until I feel my phone buzz from the table.

'I love you Ashley Rose.'

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