Prepare To Cry

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okay, so this chapter i cried writing it. i don't know if you guys will cry or not but just prepare for sadness.

okay i warned you.


<3 Ashley


Ashley's POV

<night time 10 pm>

Finally we had all my stuff moved into my apartment. My house wasn't as organized as I would like it to be but I am really tired so I let Burt sleep on the chair in my apartment and I will be sleeping in Damon's bed.

Damon and I are on his bed watching the new walking dead. It Is the season finale so we will have to wait until freaking October for another one!

"it makes me mad I have to wait until October to see what happens next." I pout once it was finished.

"at least this was a good episode." he says trying to lighten the mood.

"true." we laugh together.

"if you don't mind me asking, why did you leave Manchester?" I look down.

"my d-dad used to work there as a business man and he got a promotion so we had to move to New York. A-and I got b-bullied severely there." I whispered the last part but im sure he still heard me.

"oh, I'm sorry for asking." he said and hugs me tightly.

"no, it's okay. If we are going to be best friends you deserve to know more about me. I have only told a few people about this and now you I guess." I take a shaky breath and look up at him.

"as you know I was born and raised up to the age of 8 in Manchester. I had a best friend there, I told him everything. We were barley ever apart from each other. Our mum's are still really good friends but ever since I moved, we lost contact. I have never had a friend like him again. I went through depression at such a young age because of what was happening. I only had two friend's. my best friend and this girl, but she betrayed me. I told her practically my whole life story and she went and blabbed her mouth to the whole school so I got bullied really bad. About a month of bullying, I found something that I regret so much and if I could go back and change one thing this would be it. I-I started cutting." I said and pulled up the sleeves on my jacket to show the white scars up and down my wrists.

"they are everywhere. That's why I am always covered in bracelets, or wearing a ton of clothes in the 100 degree heat. I haven't cut for a little bit over a year. It's been so hard. About 4 months after the addiction started my dad moved us from Manchester to New York. The cutting got worse because I just left my best friend. The depression got worse enough to where I would just sit in my room all day cutting and this could go for weeks at a time. I rarely came out of my room. One day I accidentally cut too deep and I screamed at the top of my lungs for my dad to come help me. He came running into my room with my mom not too far behind and he picked me up and literally ran me to the hospital. I was in a coma for 2 weeks because of how much blood I had lost. My dad didn't leave the room the entire time. I went to therapy but it didn't help. I couldn't trust anyone so I didn't trust the therapist with what was happening in my life. I was home schooled up until what they call here 'high school'. I was the social outcast. No one liked me. I thought my depression was starting to get better but one day in my 11th grade year, I got into a fight with this girl named Lindsey. She was such a popular bitch. Sorry for the language, but I absolutely hated her. I have never hated someone so much in my life. Well, I got into a fight with her at lunch and everybody crowded around us. No one came to help me. She was kicking and punching me and I couldn't do anything about it. She broke 2 of my ribs, my nose, and my left wrist and I got a black eye, and bruised cheek bone that swelled up so much that it looked like I had been stung by 1000 bees. When I was about to walk away from the fight, well, limp away, the school Jock Zach came over to me and pulled my right Wrist and busted open my cuts and everyone saw. My dad died of leukemia 2 weeks after." I was now sobbing hysterically. Damon still had a tight grip around me and was comforting me.

"oh my god Ashley im so sorry. I didn't know you have been through so much." he said with his voice cracking. He was about to cry too.

"please don't tell anyone what I just told you." I asked looking up at him.

"I promise on my life I will not tell a single soul." I smiled sadly. This would be a perfect time to kiss him. Bad Ashley! Don't say that he doesn't like you the same way!

"thank you so much Damon."

"no problem. Anything for you Ashley Rose." I chuckled slightly at the use of my name.

"please stay in here with me?" I said sniffling lightly.

"sure." he said and we both got under the covers. I took off my sweatshirt and only had on leggings and a thin white tank top. He had his cookie monster pajama bottoms and a plain white t shirt on. We sat there just looking at each other. I let out a big yawn and immediately felt so embarrassed.

"go to sleep." he chuckled.

"goodnight Ashley Rose."

"will you ever stop saying that?" I laugh.

"nope!" he said popping the 'p'

"oh gosh. Fine. Goodnight Damon." we laughed and not long after I closed my eyes I was pulled into a deep, well needed sleep.

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