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This is book II of the 365 Day Challenge. I had not planned to write two books on it, but I did not have much choice, apparently, Wattpad has a limit of 200 chapters and I had to choose between writing 199 prompts in one book and continuing in another book OR to split the books at a point I would like. 

The idea of splitting the books at mid way appealed to me - firstly it would mean one book for each year (2018 and 2019) and further, it also meant that I do the first six months in the 2018 book and the balance six months in the 2019 book and that really pleased the accountant in me. 

So here I am, with a new book and a new year but the old challenge - I like the continuity it symbolises too.

For those who have chanced on this book without reading the first book, I better tell you a little. This book, if I may call it so, is a public display of a personal challenge. There is a part me which thinks that I am taking on too much, I should rather focus on the stories I am writing out or the ones which have a concrete form, at least in my head. But then this is also the very voice that pulls me back -'why do you think you can write anything?'; 'do you really think people read what you write?'; 'even if you write and post, do you not think that the statistics prove that few read what you write?' and so on. 

However, I do lack the discipline to write on a regular basis, which is borne out by the irregular updates and that feels like I am giving into another voice, this is sneakier, for it whispers, 'are you sure this will work, there are so many other who have written it out, far better than you?' or it murmurs, 'maybe you should take a break, read it again, there must be some flaws in this update, the banner is amateurish, the title could be tweaked, the paragraphs should be adjusted, the plot flow could be improvised..' this voice insists on a certain level of 'perfection' which sadly is an overstated goal and actually unattainable.

Hence this personal goal, to write something, every single day for one whole year. I discovered this when I came across someone else's post in another forum and I decided to do it too. To make it easier there are 365 prompts set as part of this exercise but there are no word count restrictions.

 To make it easier there are 365 prompts set as part of this exercise but there are no word count restrictions

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And the link to Book I is also given below  (Day 1 to Day 183):

And the link to Book I is also given below  (Day 1 to Day 183):

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365 Days - Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now