226. Admiration

47 3 18

February 12, 2019

"Is there someone you admire? Write about those feelings."


There are quite a few I have admired over the years, very few, in fact. One of my very good friends once said that she want to meet the person I was talking about for it was rare that I could openly admire something. Another good friend of mine said that people have  a difficulty in accepting how irreverential I could be towards those in authority. It was not that I did not respect them but I would not revere them, which as expected caused a lot of problems. 

I do admire people, but not everyone and not easily. 

And once I started writing or rather posting my writings for the public to read, I realised that there was one person, or rather a class of persons who were slowly winning my admiration - the writer.

It does not matter what you write, the fact that you have written it and posted it for all to see, that is an act of courage. It does not matter what you write, a story, an article or even a comment, it take courage, trust me I have been there. Most assume that writing comments is easy, but then you want to say how much you liked it, and what you did not yet and still do not want to hurt the writer or come across as preachy or pushy. Most shy away and simply do not comment, I know that I have been there and even today, at times, I am at that place.

Then there are fellow writers who write stories that leave me breathless with the imagination in the tales, stories that inspire me and also leave me in awe and a little envious, making me wonder if I could ever write like that. I know a few of my friends will pounce on me saying that I write well myself but then it does not stop the envy from seeping through. 

Each time I read their works, I am thrilled and awed, envious for the imagination they have and grateful that they have shared their passions with us. When I read a comment, I am thrilled that the reader has been invested enough to let me know what they liked and disliked. 

Each word written and shared is an act of courage. It is an act of baring your soul and putting out on display, risking ridicule and inviting appreciation. And it is something I admire, very much.


Word count - 400

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