190. Museum

989 4 2

January 7, 2019

"Take some time to visit a nearby museum with your journal. Write about one of the pieces that speaks to you."


It has been ages since I visited a museum but then to recall a piece which 'spoke' to me was easy. I have visited the Salar Jung Museum as a child and this statue caught my attention, so today I learnt more about it.

The above is a wood carving double statue of  Mephistopheles & Margaretta carved by an unknown French artist sometime in 1801-1899

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The above is a wood carving double statue of  Mephistopheles & Margaretta carved by an unknown French artist sometime in 1801-1899. The carving is exquisite and brings out the characterisation beautifully, proud Mephistopheles and the naive Margaretta. As a child, I had never bothered to read about them, the statue with its vividness was enough to capture my attention and leave a mark.

Today, since I am grown up and hopefully wiser than that child I once was, I searched for the story and realised that I have missed reading out a classic(which I plan to remedy). The carving is based on the main characters from the novel 'Faust' by Goethe. A post by theheritagelabs summarises the tale as follows:

The story of Dr. Faustus begins in Heaven where Mephistopheles makes a bet with God. He says that he can lure God's favourite human being (Faust), who is striving to learn everything that can be known. The Lord permits Mephistopheles to tempt Faust and thus begins the tragic drama. Mephistopheles comes down to earth in the form of a travelling scholar, befriends Faust and by clever arguments excites his interest in sensual pleasures. Faust makes an arrangement with the devil: the devil will do everything that Faust wants while he is here on Earth, and in exchange Faust will serve the devil in Hell. Faust signs the contract with a drop of his own blood before setting out on a series of excursions with Mephistopheles.

With influence from the devil, Faust meets and seduces Gretchen (Margaretta). Gretchen's mother dies from a sleeping potion, administered by Gretchen (under influence) to obtain privacy so that Faust could visit her. Soon, Gretchen discovers she is pregnant. Her brother condemns Faust, challenges him and falls dead at the hands of Faust and Mephistopheles. Gretchen drowns her illegitimate child and is convicted of the murder (filicide). Faust tries to save Gretchen from death by attempting to free her from prison. Finding that she refuses to escape, Faust and the Devil flee the dungeon, while voices from Heaven announce that Gretchen shall be saved.

Here's a quote from "Faust" that describes the blend of the Good and Evil in the sculpture perfectly :

«... who are you, then?
I am part of that power
which eternally wills evil
and eternally works good.»

Read more at http://www.theheritagelab.in/mephistopheles-margaretta/#Tx1TtPZ1lMCbvJPy.99    

I shall have to read it.


Word count 451

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