290. Birthday Poem

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November 18, 2019

"Write a poem inspired by birthdays."


Birthdays might be fun, when you are one,
And at five years old, birthdays mean presents galore
Birthdays in teens, means gaiety and spirits,
And when love enters, it takes a different celebration.

When you grow older, you wish to hide your age,
But weakening eyesight and creaking knees do not help your plight
When you cross sixty you are a veteran of life
And each year gained is a life lived again.

Funny how a simple constant repetitive revolution round the sun,
Changes how we perceive the day we were born;
A day for celebration and gratitude, each passing year
Is also a sign that our lives are done.


I was to have written this out on April 18, if I had continued this book. Well, better late than never, I guess. I do hope I finish this personal challenge by this year end, even though it means I would have to write more than one each day.

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