286. Romance

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May 12, 2019

"Write about romantic things partners can do for each other."




1.a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love - "I had a thirst for romance"

2.a quality or feeling of mystery, excitement, and remoteness from everyday life. - " the romance of the sea"


1. DATED try to gain the love of; court. -"the wealthy estate owner romanced her"

2. another term for romanticize. - "to a certain degree I am romancing the past"


What romantic things partners can do for each other? Anything, as long as it is genuine and heartfelt - as small and simple as making a cup of coffee the way they like it to ensuring that the big costly dreams come true, with support, trust and love.

It does sound preachy, but then despite the definition given above, what exactly defines romance and differentiates it from sappy and mushy acts is as varied as the people and their mindsets. And again, despite the widespread idea of associating romance with flowers, chocolates; wining and dining; candlelight dinners and candlelit bedrooms, romantic gestures can never be so easily categorised or generalised.


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