266. Railroad

21 1 0

March 25, 2019

"Write about a train and its cargo or passengers."


There is a puff of smoke, thick plumes that signal my readiness to start. With a huff and a puff, a toot of the horn and off I go, chug-chug-chug. As the pistons pump, the power turns my wheels, slowly, as each carriage or freight truck also moves, compressing the couplings and then moving forward. Soon I am at full steam.

I traverse across the length and breadth of the earth, there are a hundred and forty eight countries aggregating to one million, three hundred and seventy thousand, seven hundred and eighty two kilometers of track. There are also around thirty two countries which have no rail system, I cannot help but pity them for their loss.

The railroads are used to transport freight and passengers, ratio varying from country to country, for me it does not matter, both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Freight would mean lesser stops but is boring. Passengers are interesting but also painful (again depends on which type of people travel, some are nice, others not so nice and some are the worst, they actually slit my lovely coach seat cushions).

I travel on one specific gauge, I cannot shift from one gauge to another (there are three types-  narrow, standard and broad). I travel on wide plans, through rocky mountains, over rivers and through forests. Travelling as I do, across the breadth and length, allows one to see the world in a different lens.

Come along for a ride with me, a short sojourn of ten minutes or a long journey of twenty four days, from Mumbai to London. Irrespective of the time taken, it would be a journey of a lifetime.


Word count 275

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