268. Shipwrecked

19 1 0

March 27, 2019

"Write about being stranded somewhere – an island, a bus stop, etc."


It is frightening, being stranded, for after some time, one's courage starts to waver and helplessness descends, digging in its sharp talons. If is physical, like missing the bus or having your car breakdown, and then waiting in the unknown strange place while the cab or family arrives, the waiting drives you nuts. And if you are not careful, the mind goes down the imaginative lane of horrors, and every stranger, even on  a well lit, busy street appears to be a potential threat.

But when the feeling is more emotional, the damage is worse. For in this case the loneliness in within oneself and when the heart and mind battle it out, helplessness clings to your back, bowing you down. You would want to ask for help but friends appear to be strangers in the light of your conflicts, you thing you would appear stupid for thinking the way you do. It is a raging battle, one that seems to have no end, though there would be. Just as the cab reached you and sped you to familiar home, soon the mists would clear and your bonds would be free. And if you are strong enough, the weight on your back, that burden of helplessness shall burn to a pair of wings.


Word count 212 - why do I seem to convert most prompts into preachy speech???

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