255. Dance

27 1 2

March 14, 2019

"Write about a dancer or a time you remember dancing."


She looked at the young girl, who was twirling in joy, not graceful but certainly joyful. The joy that came when one danced without inhibitions, with complete abandon, the freedom of the movements freeing the constraints of the heart, the happiness that set the soul soaring. She knew how it felt, how it was to dance though it had not been easy, never was.

The practice was gruelling and exhausting, the hours spent left her with little time to do anything else, friends, parties, everything was given up for her dance. And now, when age and changing tastes finally caught up with her, she did not have anything else to live for. Her days passed in solitude and loneliness, mostly in wistfulness of days gone by and times that would never come back. 

She sighed; maybe she should walk down to the gate and tell the girl dancing in the square patch of dancing, to do it somewhere else, any place where she could not see her and be tortured. But that would be rude and so she went back inside - to her dusty memories and faded dreams. 

She would let the young enjoy their freedom and dance to their hearts' content, it was the only legacy she could leave behind.


Word count - 211 and the idea has potential though I seem to have rambled... 

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