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Chapter 4: Absolute Bullshit


Yoongi hit the steering wheel hard when he got into the car. This can't be happening.

They're not soulmates. Out of everyone in the goddamn world, he and Hoseok cannot be soulmates.

Yoongi sighed as he finally drove back home, a tight feeling in his chest the whole way back.

When he finally got to the house he shared with Jimin, he made sure he had the keys and his phone before he went into the house.

"Disco guuurl coming through! That girl is You!" Jimin sung as Jungkook and some random guy with ashy grey hair jumped around him with huge smiles. Yoongi sighed as he grabbed Jimin's phone and paused the music.

"Hey!" Jimin yelled, pouting in Yoongi's direction. "Why'd you do that?" He asked, Yoongi only rolled his eyes as he pushed past the group of idiots and went his room.

Jimin gave his soulmates a concerned look as he followed the younger down the hall. "Hey Yoongs? What happened? What did they say?" Jimin asked, finally getting to Yoongi and sitting on his bed.

"Do you know what a Heliophile is?" Yoongi asked, he sounded tired and drained as hell. "Yeah, a lover of the sun...why?"

"Hoseok...is a Heliophile....and we somehow matched," Yoongi said, his breathing becoming uneven as Jimin gave him a look of Disbelief. "What!"

Yoongi only nodded as Jimin suddenly jumped up, Jungkook and that other guy running into the room to see what was wrong. "That's not possible! They match you because of your Phile and you and Hoseok are complete opposites! There's no way!" Jimin yelled, the grey haired guy nodded, "It's true, matching someone with their opposite is setting everything up for trouble,"

"Yeah!" Jungkook said, the same look of disbelief that Jimin has on his face. "What Tae said!"

Yoongi sighed as he made a gesture for Jimin to calm down, he didn't know what else to say though. Everything that came to his mind always ended up being about how he couldn't stand Hoseok, about how the government is playing a trick on him, he couldn't even think properly.

"I can't believe this," Jimin said as he sat down beside Yoongi, he pulled the younger into a hug as he rubbed his arm. "I'm sorry Yoongs," he started, giving Jungkook and Taehyung a look that told them to leave the room.

Jungkook nodded as he and Taehyung left and closed the door. "I never understood why you were so afraid of doing that test, but seeing you like this after those results...I can understand why," Jimin said, Yoongi nodded as he continued to look out of the window of his room.

He felt his whole body relax when he saw the first raindrop his his window, and then another, and then more. Jimin knew what was happening as decided to stop talking, he let the rain handle this situation for Yoongi.

Yoongi sighed as he watched millions and billions of raindrops touch the surface, making puddles for him to stomp and splash in for later. He loved every part of this. He loved the rain, it was like a symbol for his peace, he could instantly feel safe and happy with just one drop from the sky.

"You'll Be Okay?" Jimin asked after awhile, he wanted to let Yoongi calm down a bit before talking some more. "Yeah, thanks Hyung," Yoongi said, giving Jimin a quick side hug before the older left the room, saying something about taking his new boyfriends out to eat.


"This is absolute bullshit!" Hoseok huffed, he was currently out with Namjoon before he went to pick up Dino, he wanted to talk with the older about this fucking mess.

"Dude calm down, I bet Yoongi is a really sweet guy-" Namjoon started, but was interrupted by Hoseok, who stabbed his burger with a spoon.

"He's not a sweet guy, he's a devil in a short guys' body and I'm not having it! He's a total dick and has been since like.....eleventh grad. And he's a Pluviophile! Do you know how bad that is for me? I hate him soooo much I swear," Hoseok ranted, Namjoon just sighed as he ate is fries and listened to Hoseok yell all of his anger out. He was used to this.


"Oh hey look! It's Taehyung," Namjoon said, thanking every god in the sky that his cousin came in at this time. "Hey Joon, whatcha doin?" Taehyung asked, coming up to his friends with a tall muscular guy and a shorter cute guy behind him.

"Eating with Hoseok so he can rant all of his feelings away," Namjoon sighed, Taehyung sucked in a breath, "ouch"

"Shut up...who's that?" Hoseok asked, pointing to the two men behind his friend. "Oh, well remember my soulmate that I told you about?"

"Yeah...Jeon Jungkook," Namjoon said, Taehyung nodded, "Well that's him," Jungkook said a quick 'hey' as he waved at the two. "And this," Taehyung said, quickly turning to the cute guy behind him. "Is Jimin, he's a..bibliophile, he's my second soulmate,"

"Wait," Hoseok started, staring at the three, "You can have two soulmates?" He asked, Jimin nodded as he looked outside and smiled slightly. "Yeah, we're the first though," Taehyung gave the smaller a confused look.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked, Jimin just shrugged as he continued to stare outside, "It's raining," He said, Hoseok groaned, "Don't remind me,"

"What about it?" Namjoon asked, Jimin just shook his head as he brought his attention back to the group. "My bestfriend, Yoongi, is a Pluviophile, he's kinda upset right now so I'm glad he's going to be able to calm down,"

Hoseok let out a loud groan that caused almost everyone in the restaurant to look at him. "That's where I remember you from, that stupid ass testing place," Jimin nodded as he pressed his lips into a thin line. "So I'm guessing you're the Hoseok Guy that got paired with Yoongi."

"It has to be a mistake! There's no way we're soulmates," Hoseok said, Taehyung sighed as he patted Hoseok's back. "I can call my cousin about it, he can't do much but maybe he knows something." Namjoon said, Taehyung and Hoseok nodded as Taehyung sat down beside Namjoon.

"Can we join you?"

"Sure why not? Now that it's raining, I can't take Dino to the park," Hoseok said, Taehyung rolled his eyes as he watched Jimin and Jungkook take a seat. "Aish, stop being a downer, I know you love the sun, but there's always sunshine after a rainy day, just wait,"

"Yeah, just wait until I punch you in the face." Hoseok mumbled, once again stabbing his burger with his spoon.

This has to be a mistake.

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