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Chapter 35: You Fucking Idiot


"Alright, What the hell happened?" Jimin asked, Jungkook and Taehyung sitting in the living room with him. Yoongi has been coming over to either Namjoons or Jimin house to get away from Hoseok, and when he couldn't leave the house, he'd just avoid him by going into different rooms.

"Yeah, Hyung. Not to be rude but you look like shit." Jungkook muttered, Taehyung nodded, "And your eyes are really puffy...like you've been crying."

"When's the last time you've talked to Hoseok? Maybe he can help you," Jimin said, thinking that maybe Hoseok's just been really busy, not giving Yoongi enough attention. "Probably three days ago."

"Three day— don't you two live together? And sleep in the same bed together? How can you two not at least share a good morning or, what do you want to eat? Or, what are you watching?" Jimin asked, Yoongi sighed as he put his head in his hands. "I don't know. I mean— I do know but I don't."

"Makes no sense but okay," Jungkook muttered, Taehyung lightly slapping his arm. "What happened?" He asked, Yoongi looked at him and bit his lip, trying to control his tears. "I gotta go." He muttered, suddenly standing and heading towards the door before any of the three could stop him.


Hoseok sighed as he tried to retype his paper for the second time, he couldn't figure out what to put in there, he couldn't get Yoongi out of his head, he's surprised the smaller hasn't kicked him out.

His head snapped over to the door when he heard someone coming in, when he made eye contact with Yoongi, the younger only looked away and went straight into the bedroom. Hoseok bit his lip as he followed the smaller, they needed to talk.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok called, knocking on the door before entering. Yoongi didn't turn his head towards him, he was just doing what he's been doing for these past three days. Sitting on his phone or laptop and not saying anything, he barely looks at Hoseok anymore.

"We need to talk," Hoseok muttered, sitting on his side of the bed, the bed he still hasn't been allowed to sleep in, it's really doing numbers on his neck and back. Yoongi sighed but still didn't look at him. "There's nothing to talk about."

"There's a lot to talk about." Hoseok said, trying to get closer to Yoongi. The smaller rolled his eyes. "No, Hoseok. There isn't. You cheated on me, remember?" Hoseok sighed as he bit his lip, he really hated when those words left his mouth. "Yeah, but I didn't mean to, I was drunk off my ass,"

"Why did you even go out drinking with her?" Yoongi asked, Hoseok was about to speak but paused, he was trying to think of what was going through his head that night, what made him want to go out drinking with Blair.

"I...I was still upset about the whole...cheating argument we had a day or two before," Hoseok admitted, Yoongi let out an exasperated sigh as he put his phone down. "Are you fucking kidding me? Hoseok. I can't believe you actually think you can come back from this."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm thinking about leaving," Yoongi muttered, Hoseok's eyes widened as he looked at Yoongi, the smaller avoiding his eyes. "What?" Yoongi pouted, "I'm not going to go through this again, lying and cheating. I can't." He said, tears coming to his eyes as he looked at his hands. "I love you more than anything but I also loved Yuseon. And look where that got me?"

"Yoongi, I'm not like that bastard, okay? Mine was a mistake, he cheated on you because he only wanted you for your body, don't compare me to him." Hoseok growled, he didn't mean to sound aggressive, but he noticed how Yoongi flinched at his words and scooted away from him.

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