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(This happened like....3-4 days before the last chapter?? Mkay? Mkay. Also excuse any mistakes. I'm sleep deprived 🤠)

Chapter 37: Stay With Me


"GODDAMMIT, DRIVE FASTER!!" Blair yelled, holding her stomach and whining in pain. "I thought we were supposed to wait nine months before you have the baby, goddamn."

"Dammit, Yuseon! I'm not having the fucking baby! JUST DRIVE." She yelled, Yuseon nodded as he quickly parked the car and helped Blair out of the car and into the hospital.

"I need help, it's about my baby." Blair said, the woman at the desk already telling her to go to the room and that the doctor would be right with her.

"Alright, What happened?"

"I..I don't know, I started getting these pains in my stomach and I started bleeding." Blair tried to explain, biting her lip at the pain. "Okay, how long has this been happening?"

"The bleeding's been happening for two days or so but I had the stupid idea that it was my period. And then the pains started today." Blair explained, the doctor sighed and nodded, "The bleeding was a sign right there, but we'll run some tests—"

"Wait, tests for what?"

"To see if you're going to miscarry." The doctor said, leaving the room, Blair groaned as she held her stomach again, "He can't be serious." She said, Yuseon shrugged and sighed as he looked at the younger girl. "Let's just see what happens."


"So, after running some tests, we just want to ask some questions. Has anyone in your family ever had a miscarriage or can't get pregnant?" The doctor asked, Blair looked at him and frowned, "Well..my mom had a miscarriage before me but after that she was fine and had my sister."

"I see, so it might be just in the genetics but...you had a miscarriage." The doctor said, Blair's eyes widened as she looked from him and then to Yuseon, who bit his lip. "Since it was so early in your pregnancy, your body should go through everything it needs to itself but if not, then check back here as soon as possible. I'm very sorry for you loss." The doctor said, Yuseon thanked him as he left the room.


"I can't fucking believe this," she growled, Yuseon only sighed, "This can't be fucking happening."

"I know losing a baby is hard for you, my mom had a miscarriage really late in her pregnancy, she lost my soon to be brother." Yuseon said, Blair looked at him with anger obvious in her eyes. "I don't give a shit about this damn baby." She growled, "I only wanted that baby because that was the only tie I had to him."

"Blair, this is going past crazy at this point." Yuseon muttered, "Fuck you, this is the fucking worst. Now they're going to get back together because that's what they always do. At this point I'll just have to kill the damn brat."

"Blair, calm the hell down, Yoongi left me because I cheated, and since Hoseok cheated on him, there's no way they're getting back together. You and I still have a chance." Yuseon tried to reason.

"Like hell, come on, we're leaving."

"Shouldn't you rest?"

"We're leaving!"


"Hi, Shiyuk."

"Hey, you wanted to talk?" Shiyuk asked, watching as Yoongi sat beside him at the cafe, "Yeah, I'm just...dealing with shit and the rest of my friends over exaggerate so fucking much, it's not even funny." Yoongi muttered, smiling and shaking his head.

"Hmm, so, what is it?"

"I know you don't know Hoseok well , but we're opposites, I'm a Pluviophile, he's a Heliophile, we're always getting in fights. It's not even funny. And I always forgive him but it's...it gets tiring. Forgiving him over and over."

Ever since he helped him move Yoongis gotten closer to the older. They've been hanging out more and they've gotten to know more about eachother. And ever since his fight with Hoseok, he's been able to see and visit Shiyuk much more.

"What did he do?"

"He..." Yoongi started, But just saying it was too much. "He cheated." He muttered, tears coming to his eyes. Shiyuk sighed as he pulled the smaller into a side hug. "And I want to forgive him but he cheated and that crossed the line and I couldn't forgive him...so...I'm thinking of leaving but I don't know what to do if I come to Jimin telling him I need to stay with him when I'm living with Hoseok."

"Why can't you can't you just stay with me?" Shiyuk asked, Yoongi pulled away from him and shook his head. "I would love to but you live way too far from my job, and I already wake up early enough as it is." Shiyuk smiled as he looked at the smaller.

"I think we're done." Yoongi muttered, "I really can't deal with all of the shit that I've been dealing with while with him." Yoongi said, Shiyuk only hummed to let him know he was listening. "I know I shouldn't have a say on your relationship. But I think it's best if you let him go."

"You think?" Yoongi asked, looking up at him, "Because I don't know if I should." He said, looking up at the older with a small pout. Shiyuk nodded, "Yeah, leave him."

"And come stay with me." Shiyuk muttered, before Yoongi could reply though, he kissed him, softly grabbing his jaw and pulling him close. Yoongi needed a moment, he didn't know what was happening.

But the moment he did, he quickly pushed away. "The last thing I need is for another guy to be all over me while I'm going through some shit." Yoongi said, obviously pissed about the whole thing.

"I thought you were going to break up with him." Shiyuk said, smirking a bit as he looked at the smaller. "I was thinking about it, I didn't know for sure if I wanted to yet. But still, that gives you no right to just fucking kiss me out of no where."

"Oh come on, Yoongi. For the past few days you've been in the worst mood all because of him, I'd never treat you like that."

"I thought he'd never treat me like that either but here we are. Fuck off, Shiyuk." Yoongi said, Shiyuk rolled his eyes. "Really, Yoongi? You're going to stay with him after he cheated, didn't he hurt you once too? He's no good for you."

"And you think you are?"

"I know damn well you could've done better." Shiyuk shrugged, Yoongi shook his head as he stood. "I should've known you were no good the day I met you, I'm just too fucking nice and I trust people too fucking much. Don't fucking talk to me."

"Dammit, Yoongi." Shiyuk sighed, "Get back here!" He yelled, watching as Yoongi left the cafe.

"So, that little brat led you on too?"

"Who are you?"


Okay, now that I have the flashback out of the way, I can continue the story. This chapter was literally so important and I somehow forgot it like wtf??? But yeah, next update should be pretty soon

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