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Chapter 64: I lied To You


One day, one day until Hoseok recovers and is allowed to leave the hospital. Blair called and said he had a few checkups before he was allowed to leave tomorrow. She slipped up when she said that, Yoongi now knew when Hoseok would get out. But he wouldn't know at what time. And it's not as if Hoseok would recognize him if he ran into the hospital and into his arms since the thing that saved him also made him lose his memory.

He and Mia had moved over to the place Blair told him to go once Hoseoks back, the place was small, but it had more than enough room for just Yoongi and Mia, so he couldn't be upset.

"Mia, stop picking at your food." Yoongi muttered, Mia continued to stab her peas with her fork, Yoongi rolled his eyes. Taking care of the girl alone for a so long was starting to wear away at his patience when dealing with her.

She would brush off the things he would say and do what she wants. She'd throw a fit when she didn't get what she wants. And would always say 'but appa' whenever Yoongi told her not to do something. He never thought he'd have to scold the girl, but he blew up one day when she kept mentioning Hoseok, saying he usually let her do this or that. He scolded her and she started to cry. Yoongi felt so damn bad that he started to cry himself. It's been way too rough trying to take care of her alone.

"Where's Appa?" Mia asked, Yoongi gave the girl a soft, sympathetic smile. "He'll be home soon, we just have to wait."

"Tired of waiting." Mia pouted, sitting back on the couch, pushing her food away and watching TV. "I know, baby...me too," Yoongi said, he pulled on the sleeves of one of Hoseoks hoodies.

Yoongi was tired of being without Hoseok, he felt so empty and no matter how close he was to Mia and his friends, no matter how much time he spends around them, he always felt like he was missing something.

Yoongi sighed as he stood, walking into the bedroom and sitting on the bed. His chest felt tight, and his head hurt. "Fuck," he cursed, as tears fell from his eyes before he could stop them. He's never felt so lost in his life.

Even when he was poisoned and kidnapped he still felt like he was worth something, or had hope that things would be better. Back then, Hoseok was by his side, helping him, holding his hand, kissing him. He was with his soulmate.

And now his soulmate is getting taken away from him, and there's nothing he can do. He can't even tell Mia or his friends the truth, he can't tell Mia she won't see her father for awhile, he can't tell his friends Blairs plan and why he's not at home. He can't say anything.

And it hurts, everything hurts. Hurts more than when he was bruised head to toe from when he got kidnapped by Shiyuk.

"Appie," Mia whispered, tapping Yoongis thigh, he didn't even see when she came in. "Don't cry," she said, Yoongi wiped his eyes before he smiled at her. "Okay," he said, Mia jumping up in on the bed and tackling Yoongi with a hug.


The next day

"Dad, he's coming out today, right?" Blair asked, walking down the hall with Hanuel, the older nodded, nervously fidgeting with his fingers. "Yeah, the checkup is done and he's getting discharged."

"Good, this week couldn't have gone by slower." Blair smiled, Hanuel nodded, it was kind of sad how scared he was of his own daughter. The two entered Hoseoks room to see that he was already dressed and ready to go, but he was looking for his phone. Muttering curses to himself as he lifted the pillow.

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