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Chapter 8: The Garden Miráge


Yoongi groaned as he got ready for this stupid fucking meet up with Hoseok he had in a couple minutes. He wanted so badly to just stay home and watch movies and get fat off of icecream and popcorn but no. He can't because Jin works at the goddamn restaurant that they're going to, so he would know if he showed up or not.

It's not exactly fancy but it's also nothing like your local McDonalds. At least, that's what Jin said, but nowadays, Yoongi can never trust the older.

He pulled on a leather jacket before fixing his black hair and he left the house. He texted Jimin once he got in the car to let him know that he wasn't going to be there for at least an hour.

He then texted Jin for the address of the stupid restaurant, he really didn't want to go.

And plus, who is this ten foot five fucker to tell Yoongi, a grown man, what to do and where to go? It's like he works for the government and he'll lose his job if he doesn't keep the two together-

Wait a minute.


R u working for the government?

I know damn well you didn't just ask that stupid ass question


Le sigh


That was rude..

Ily 💜

... 💕

Yoongi sighed once he saw the restaurant up ahead, he turned into the parking lot and got out with a huff.

The place was huge.

Like really huge.

Like too huge.

Like fancy huge.

"Shit." Yoongi mumbled while looking down at himself. Maybe wearing leather pants and a leather jacket wasn't the way to go for this. He looked at the name of the restaurant, usually the name gave off what kind of place it was.

The Garden Miráge

He's screwed.

But Yoongi decided to suck it up and go in confident while hundreds of other people are dressed nicely in suits and dresses and ties. Yep. He can definitely do this.

He took one step closer to the door.

He can't fucken do this.

Yoongi groaned as just decided to go in. Ask about the reservation. Eat. Find Jin and then continued to strangle the fuck out of him. Yep. That's his plan.

And so he went in. He didn't hesitate at all. But he was extremely confused.

When he heard The Garden Miráge, he expected a really fancy place with candles and chandeliers every were with a woman in a white sparkly dress singing a slow song with one of those older mics in her hand as a band played behind her.

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