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Chapter 42: Little Friends

"Ah, you're awake!" Shiyuk said, opening the door to the room he kept Yoongi in, "Did you eat?" Yoongi glared at him, after yesterday, he was afraid to say anything, he didn't know what Shiyuk was capable of.

"So, you're not talking?" he muttered, sitting on the bed Yoongi was laying on. "I see the marks from the ropes haven't gone away either." he continued to speak, not giving Yoongi any room to say anything.

"How long am I going to be here?" Yoongi asked, he knew what the answer would be, but it couldn't hurt to ask either. "Maybe for about a month, then we'll have to leave." His eyes widened at that, "We?"

"Yeah, at some point, the cops will catch on, and they'll be on their way to this exact location. We'll probably be on the run, moving from one place to another. You're not leaving me anytime soon, Yoongi. So stop dreaming of it." Shiyuk explained, Yoongi let out a shaky breath as he looked at his arms, only just now noticing the band over his tattoo.

"What the hell?" he muttered to himself. "Ah, that, I want you to stop thinking about Hoseok, he doesn't care about you, he cheated remember? I can never keep him out of your thoughts, no matter how hard I try. So I fucked with your tattoo, got someone to give me this mixture that can keep you from feeling what he's feeling."


"I injected you with something. Something where...he can feel what you're feeling, angry or whatever, but you can't feel what he's feeling. It's simple, really." Shiyuk explained with a shrug, Yoongi shook his head, "That shouldn't be possible--"

Shiyuk laughed, "Baby, anything is possible when you live in a world where you're connected to someone not only by what you like, but by blood, by some weird scientific mixture the put in you, by your feelings. This is only the beginning, I'm looking for someone who can give me something that'll get rid of the damn tattoo."

"Don't call me baby. And that's not even possible, your partner has to die in order for the tattoo to fade." Yoongi said, Shiyuk once again chuckled, "I just told you anything's possible, but you know what? That's a good idea...I'll just get Hoseok out of the picture and then I won't have to worry about injecting you with anything. Good idea."

"No, fuck you!" Yoongi yelled, Shiyuk grabbed him by his collar, his other hand reaching for his pocket knife. "Yell at me again, and I swear you'll regret it. At that, I don't even need a reason, I'll do it just for fun. Don't test me."

Yoongi nodded, tears forming in his eyes as Shiyuk let him go. "I think I'll go see Hoseok and your little friends. Since they don't suspect me yet." he stated, leaving Yoongi in the room, the smaller began to cry as he thought about how much danger his lover and friends are in.


"Hey guys, sorry I'm late, I had to-- what the fuck? What is he doing here?" Jimin said, Jungkook telling him to quiet down. Yuseon sighed as he looked a the two. "No, what is he doing here? I'm not sitting with this asshole."

"Jimine, Yuseon said he wanted to help in anyway he can. Just give him a chance." Taehyung said, "And guys, this is Shiyuk, I asked him to come over since we're all close to Yoongi." he explained, Jimin sighed and sat down, glaring at Yuseon as he did so.

"When's the last time we saw Yoongi again?" Namjoon asked, Hoseok sighed, "After our fight in the studio, he left and I got hit and then he was gone." he explained, Namjoon nodded, "And you didn't see anything?"

"Saw some black figure, I tried to get his attention but someone hit me and when I opened my eyes, he was gone." he said, Shiyuk bit his lip as he looked away from him. "So now what? What do we do? Where do we look?" Jin said, trying his best to keep tears from forming in his eyes.

"We can't just wait around anymore." Jungkook said, looking at Namjoon because he knew he was going to suggest waiting. Yuseon suddenly spoke. "Just from experience, I know that Yoongi is someone who is easy to argue with, especially if you have a huge temper. He's also one to walk away and tell someone else to leave when things get too overwhelming for him. Which is pretty easy to do. He left for a day or two when we were together. Jimin, you know this, because he always went to you to rant about me."

"Yeah? And what about it?"

"Well, maybe after Yoongi's fight with Hoseok, he went to a friend we don't know about, maybe he went out of town." Yuseon said, Jimin was going to speak, but Yuseon continued, "But even when we were close, he himself said all of his old friends moved really far away after school. I don't think he would drive or fly out to see friends just because of a fight."

"Exactly, maybe now I can like you just a bit more, Yuseon." Jimin said, "He has to be aroudn here somewhere, in trouble--Hoseok?" Jimin mumbled, looking at the older and pointing to one of his tattoos, one being a camera and the other on his left wrist being the film that goes into a camera.

Hoseok understood what he meant and looked at his tattoo, the sun was out completely, no raindrops, no clouds. Just the sun. "It's been throbbing for three days now."

"And there we go, not only is he missing, but he's also in pain." Jimin concluded, Taehyung telling him to calm down. "Shiyuk, you haven't heard anything from Yoongi?" Jin asked, Shiyuk shook his head, "Nothing."

"Shit, I gotta go see Mia, while I'm there I'll think of something that can help." Yuseon said, getting up and leaving the cafe. Hoseok thanked him on the way out. "Mia? Is that his girlfriend or something?" Jungkook asked, Hoseok shook his head, "She's my daughter."

"I'm sorry? Repeat that?" Taehyung said, Shiyuk's eyes widening. "I thought the girl you fucked had a miscarriage." Namjoon said, Hoseok nodded, "But Mia is another girl's kid, don't as any questions. I'm just as confused as you guys are."

"That's..." Jin started, ready to say something but only shook his head, "Uhh, sorry guys, I also have to go, let me know if you hear anything." Shiyuk said suddenly, getting up to leave. "Yeah, same to you." Jungkook said, Hoseok rolled his eyes. "I still get a bad feeling from that guy."

"Shut up, he's only trying to help."


"Man, oh, man, Yoongi! Do I have a story for you!" Shiyuk smiled, setting down some food for the smaller and then went back to the door. "I'll have to make it quick though, I need to meet up with someone."

Yoongi looked at him and then to the food, this was more than he's given him in all three days he's been here. "So, I met with Hoseok and his little friends, and you ex too, apparently. They're all so worried for you, wondering if you left to meet with friends out of town or something like that. But I'm just gunna leave you with this."

"Hoseok has a little girl that you don't know about."


So I've thought about how the story's going to end and *drum roll, please* The story still has about 20 or so chapters left, maybe 15 if I make the chapters long with more scenes (It actually may be up to 30 chapter, but just thinking about it gives me a headache) and of course there's going to be a shit ton of angst packed into these so get ready.

And I almost forgot, here's a little hint for a story I'm planning.

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Oh, and another one is a slow burn type fic but that's still only on the first chapter or so.

: )

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