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Chapter 12: Tattoos


"That was some weird shit," Jin mumbled as he came into Hoseok's and Namjoons shared apartment. They just got back from the little appointment with the government and it was..complex to say the least.

"Yeah, none of this makes sense." Namjoon mumbled, rubbing the new sea tattoo on his wrist. "Do you think it actually works?" He asked, Jin only shrugged as he laid on namjoons bed. "Maybe, maybe not. They're experimenting, remember?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Namjoon mumbled, Jin nodded as he turned to the younger. "Now, stop worrying about that and come cuddle with me!" Jin whined, Namjoon smiled as he climbed into the bed with the older.

Yoongi was currently trying his damned best to beat Jimin at Jenga when he got a phone call, Jimin cheered when Yoongi got surprised by the ringtone, making the blocks fall.

"Shut the fuck up, we're going again when I get back," Yoongi hissed as he got up to answer his phone.


"Hi, this is Min Yoongi right?" A lady said over the phone, Yoongi could recognize her by her voice. She's the receptionist at the government offices. "Yeah, is something wrong?"

"No, no, there's nothing wrong. We just need you to come in, is Jung Hoseok there by any chance?" She asked, Yoongi said no and she asked him to call the older for her and the two must come to the offices immediately.

Yoongi hung up and looked at Jimin with a weird look on his face. "Huh." He said as he sat down in his original spot in front of Jimin. "They just called for me and Hoseok,"

"Really? Do you think it's for the same thing Joon and Jin had to go for?" Jimin asked, Yoongi shrugged as he started to Text Hoseok.



Hey, what's up?

What? I can't just text you whenever?

You can text me whenever. I'd want you to

..I'll keep that in mind
But there's actually something, we need to go to the offices

What is it this time?

No idea, meet you there?

See you there baby

Yoongi tried to control the blush that decorated his cheeks when he read the last message. He stuffed his phone in his pocket and said goodbye to Jimin. Grabbing his keys and leaving to go to the government offices.

"So. Here's the whole explanation as to why you're here," Hanuel said to both Yoongi and Hoseok. "We would like to make you two more than just soulmates bound by paper work. We would like you two to be connected... through.. blood.." Hanuel said, Hoseok made as face.


"Let me explain." Hanuel said, holding up a hand. "What we're going to do is put a tattoo for each of you on your dominant wrist. So Yoongi, you'll have a sun and Hoseok, you'll probably have a cloud with rain,"

"So our tattoos will represent each other?" Yoongi asked, rubbing his wrist, Hoseok doing the same. "Yes, that's right."

"But not only that, the tattoos will be...special." Hanuel said, both Yoongi and Hoseok shared confused looks, as if they were asking each other a silent question. "They will change depending on how your soulmate is feeling."

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