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Chapter 60: Please


Yoongi groaned as he woke up from his nap, all he could remember was Jin pulling him away while Joon tried his best to hide the scene from him.

He sighed as he hid his face away from the sun shining through the blinds, he wished it was at least one in the morning so he could just roll over and go back to sleep.

"Yoongi?" He heard Namjoon call from outside the bedroom. "We made breakfast, if you want some." He muttered, He heard Jin sigh from beside him. "It's not if it's when, he's getting out of bed,"

"He saw his friend dead on the ground with blood everywhere, there's no forcing him." Namjoon said, he could practically see the scowl on Jins face. "Get him up, or else I will."

"Dont worry about jt." Yoongi sighed, opening the bedroom door and smiling as Mia ran up to hug his leg. "Im fine."

"Are you sure?" Namjoon asked, Jin smiled with his cup of coffee in hand, "I hid the knives, just in case." He said, walking away from the two. "Not funny!" Namjoon called after him, Yoongi rolled his eyes as he held Mia, a smile on his fscr. "Its okay, Joon. I need at least slmeone to joke around with me."

"We're gunna go check up on Hoseok, see if he's okay." Namjoon said, Yoongi only nodded as he sat at the table with Mia in his arms.

"Are you fit to go, though?" Jin asked, Yoongi only shrugged, "What could be worse than watching my ex die right in front of me?"

"Watching your future husband die right in-"

"I stand corrected." Yoongi muttered, cutting him off with a sigh. "Im fine." Jin let his worried gaze on the younger linger for a bit before he nodded and continued to drink his coffee.

"Okay, then we should get going, we're gunna meet the other guys there."


"He isnt coming." Jimin muttered, "He watched his fucking friend die in front of him. He needs rest." He said, Taehyung sighed as he turned to look at Jungkook, who was only staring at his boyfriend.

"Jimin, his fiancé is in the hospital with a medically induced coma. I think he would come." Taehyung said, Jungkook looked at him like he's gone crazy. They both knew better than to test Jimin when he's really worked up about something. Taehyung especially has been on the receiving end of Jimin's sudden outbursts because of how many times they go back and forth.

"He needs fucking rest, Tae!" Jimin yelled, it wasnt too loud to disturb others, but it still made Jungkook flinch, pressing a finger to his lips in a way to let the older know that he's too loud. "I know Hoseoks in the hospital, I know Yoongi wants to see him bad. I know. But the moment he walks in there after all the shit that's happened and he sees his fiance laying damn near lifeless in a hospital bed, he's gunna breakdown. He's not mentally ready to walk through those doors. We both know that."

"Well he's on his way whether you like it or not." Taehyung said, Jimin rolled his eyes and walked off, probably to go outside before he really blows up.

Taehyung sighed as he sat back down beside Jungkook. The younger knew better than anyone how their fights go. They yell at eachother, Taehyung is calm and rational while Jimin is steady losing his temper, forcing himself to walk away before he says something he regrets.

Even though they act like it, they aren't compatible phile-wise. Jimin being biblophile and Taehyung being a Cinephile. It's not like theyre complete opposites. But they just dont get along as much as Taehyung and Jungkook.

But jungkooks known better than to intervene when they argue. He knew that theyd be back in eachothers arms in no time. But sometimes hes not sure, with the way they argue back and forth, the fights almost seem permanent.

"We're here, Where's his room?" Jin asked, an arm around Yoongis shoulders as they walked into the hospital, Namjoon holding Mia. "3-b." Taehyung said, Namjoon looked at him for a second before he turned back to the hospital doors. Looking at Jimin, who was still standing outside with a scowl on his face. "Are you guys okay—"

Jungkook raised his hands in a way to tell him to drop it. But Taehyung answered anyways. "We're fine. Yoongs?"

"Yeah, Im okay."

"Alright," Taehyung sighed, his eyes lingered on Yoongi for a bit before he turned to Jin. "We've been here for awhile now, you guys can go up without us."

"Yoongis going alone." Jin said, Taehyung nodded, "Okay." Namjoon smiled at Mia as she made grabby hands towards Yoongi. "Guess she wants to go to."

Yoongi nodded as he grabbed his daughter and made his way to the room Hoseok was in.

The elevator ride was way too long for him, every second that was ticking by made him more anxious in the minute. He had to step all the way in the corner of the elevator so that Mia wouldn't touch any buttons. But she still had interest in them from there, reaching as if her arms were long enough to touch them.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the elevator opened, Yoongi rushed to look for Hoseoks room number. Once he found it, he stood outside for a second. Is he ready to go in there and see Hoseok? Sure, he said he was ready, but is he really ready to walkin and see a life less Hoseok?

No, he wasnt ready. But who would be? He has to suck it up. He has to al least try.

Yoongi took a deep breath as he opened the door, his eyes traveled over to the machine, which was keeping a steady beeping rhythm. That's good, right? He's okay. His eyes then moved over to Hoseok.

"Appa." Mia whispered, Yoongi nodded as he grabbed a chair, pulling it up to the bed. He grabbed Hoseoks hand lightly. He didnt know what to do, or what to say. Can he talk to him? Would he hear everything he's saying?

"Hey, Hobi." He whispered, he figured he might as well try, there's nothing wrong if he didnt hear him, but it would be great if he did. "I dont know it you can hear me or not but...I need to vent. And our friends arent exactly the best people to go to right now."

"Yuseon....yuseon died. Someone killed him, yesterday...actually. I'm still mourning..but I'm okay. I miss you— we all miss you. It's hard waking up and not seeing you laying there beside me. But I know that you're going to be okay. You have to, Mia's counting on it."

Mia seemed like she was trying to follow everything he was saying, nodding along and repeating some of the easy words to make it seem like she understood it all. "Please get better, Hoseok. I cant imagine my life without you. Two weeks is enough, right? Just two weeks and you'll be okay, yeah? Then we can go home, you can rest and Mia will be with her Appa again. So get better, okay?"

Yoongi could feel the tears coming on, Mia pouted as she tugged on Yoongis shirt, hugging him as he spoke. "I miss you so much. And I love you, okay? Please don't die, please. We'll find Blair and we'll get rid of her, I promise. We can be happy again, we'll be safe, Hoseok, I promise." Yoongi said, tears falling from his eyes, "Please..." He whispered, gripping Hoseoks hand a little harder.

"Please be okay." He said, he stood up and kissed Hoseok on his forehead, he took one last look at the machine that was keeping him alive. He's fine, he'll live.

Mia leaned over to poke at Hoseoks face, whispering "Appa," as she did so, Yoongi smiled as he walked towards the door, taking one last look at Hoseok before he left.

It's fine.

He'll be okay.


I was supposed to update two hours ago but Im back!! I think My writers block is over so hopefully I will update more.

Also, sorry this chapter is so short and shitty considering how long it took me to update this story. But I hope you enjoyed it anyways.

~Markie 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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