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Chapter 13: Perky Ass


After their visit to the offices to get their tattoo, Hoseok had decided to sleep over at Yoongis apartment for the night. Even though two other people already lived there.

But Yoongi didn't mind, he was actually happy, he wanted to get to know Hoseok better and maybe him sleeping over wouldn't be a bad idea.

Oh boy was he wrong.


"Hyung, why is Hoseok hyung in you bed?" Jungkook asked when he ran into the room to ask Yoongi for something. "Oh shit, are you having sex already?" Jimin asked, also running into the room.

"Hyung!" Yoongi yelled, blush decorating his cheeks as Hoseok only laughed. "What? Hoseok's literally shirtless," Jimin said, Yoongi groaned as he put a pillow over his face.

"That's because I'm much more comfortable shirtless thank you very much," Hoseok smirked, Yoongi kicked him. "It's okay, Hyung," Jungkook suddenly chirped, "We won't bother you, I've heard you enough when it came to you and Jimin Hyung," He said, Hoseok's eyes widened as both Yoongi and Jimin jumped up, ready to kill the taller, but younger, boy.

"Yah!" Jimin yelled, hitting Jungkook on the back of his head. "We all promised to never speak of that again!" He said, Jungkook mumbled an apology while laughing.

"Get out! Both of you!" Yoongi yelled, Jungkook and Jimin both smiled like little innocent children as they slowly smiled went out the door. Jimin stopped in his tracks though. "No funny business you two,"

"Hyung!" Yoongi yelled, Jimin hummed as he turned to the younger. "Out!" He yelled, Jimin laughed but nodded and closed the door.

Yoongi sighed as he turned to Hoseok who was smiling at the younger. "You have nice friends," he mumbled, Yoongi sighed as he rolled his eyes. "Don't remind me."

"You're so cute when you blush," Hoseok cooed, pinching Yoongis cheeks, the smaller swatted at his hands to push him away, a pout on his lips. "And you're cute when you pout," Hoseok smiled, leaning in to peck his pouty lips and then pulling away to see Yoongis surprised and blushing face.

"What? You didn't expect that even after what happened today?" Hoseok asked, Yoongi shook his head as he wrapped his arms around the tallers neck and pulled him down for another, longer, kiss.

Of course, Hoseok didn't pull away. Instead he grabbed Yoongi by his waist and pulled him into his lap, the smaller of the two feeling much more comfortable now in the new position.

They were interrupted by Jimin, who came in with his phone away from his ear. "Okay, I'm serious this time guys. My mom's on the phone." Both Yoongi and Hoseok rolled their eyes as they pulled away from each other.

Yoongi got comfortable under the covers as Hoseok stayed in the same position he was in with Yoongi on his lap. "You're not gunna lay down?"

"Sorry, I just have so much on my mind right now," Hoseok said, Yoongi was about to sit up with Hoseok but the older just pushed him back down. "No, it's okay. I'll tell you in the morning."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure,"

"Okay. Goodnight." Yoongi said, finally getting comfortable and closing his eyes. "Goodnight baby," Hoseok said, kissing his temple and slipping under the covers.

And now Yoongi was up, making breakfast for everyone in the house since they're all going to complain about one person getting breakfast and the others not getting any.

He was only in his boxers and Hoseok's t-shirt. He didn't feel like looking for a shirt to wear in Jungkooks room so he just took Hoseok's. Hopefully the older wouldn't mind.

He didn't really feel the need to cover himself up since Jungkook and Jimin have both seen him and clothes like this all the time and with Hoseok. He basically got to cuddle with him in these exact clothes last night. So he shouldn't be worried.

He didn't even know anyone was in the room until he felt a slap at his ass. At first he thought it was Jimin and he was a good two seconds away from taking one of these pancakes and smacking him with it.

But then he turned around and saw Hoseok standing there and smiling like an idiot. "Jung Hoseok!" Yoongi yelled, blush decorating his cheeks as he hit him in his bare chest. Hoseok only laughed and he pulled Yoongi into a hug, the smaller fighting against him but then hugging him back.

"The fuck did you do that for?" He asked, Hoseok sighed as he watched Yoongi sit on the counter so he could swing his legs back and forth. "I couldn't help it. You have a really small but perky ass," Hoseok smiled.

Yoongi gave him a look. "When you say small you mean like..." he trailed off, Hoseok laughed as he stepped so that he could stand in between Yoongis legs. "I'm saying you have a fat ass but it's small, because you're small. And it's also perky and-"

"Okay, we're done talking about the size of my ass," Yoongi said, putting a hand in Hoseok's face. The taller smiled as he moved past his hand and put his head in Yoongis neck. Lightly kissing his pale skin. Yoongi didn't really react.

"So about that thing that was on your mind last night." Yoongi said, Hoseok sighed against his neck but brought his head up with a smile. "Oh yeah, that. Well, I got the job at a dance company. They said they'll let me work there for now and when I'm done with college, they'll take me into some higher positions." Hoseok explained.

Yoongi smiled, "That's amazing, I can't wait to see you dance. What company is it?" Hoseok shrugged, "Just your every day Seoul's Dance Studio, you know, that really huge ass building."

"No fucking way," Yoongi smiled, poking Hoseok's abs. The older arched an eyebrow at his actions, he couldn't seem to get his hands off of him since he came into the kitchen with his shirt off. "I'm going to Seoul's Dance Studio in a week so that I can start making beats and shit for the choreographers to dance to." He said, Hoseok gasped.

"No way," he said, Yoongi nodded. "We're going to be with each other almost twenty four seven? That's amazing!" Hoseok smiled, pulling Yoongi into a hug. Yoongi giggles as he pulled away. "It is, But you need to calm down sir. It's not that big.

"But guess what? You get to watch me dance,"

"That's true, I can-"

"Yo who the fuck burned the fucking bacon?!" Jimin yelled, running into the room with a shirtless Jungkook running behind him and nearly running into the older. "Oh Shit!" Yoongi yelled, jumping off the counter and running to the now nearly black bacon. "Okay. But we were bonding." Hoseok said.

"I don't give a fuck! My bacon is being burned as we speak!" Jimin yelled, he then turned to Jungkook, grabbed his shoulders, and shook him violently. "Burned, Kook! BURNED!"

The other three in the room sighed but they all had giant smiles on their faces.

"What do you mean you put fucking tattoos on them? You mean the ones that make them connected by blood? I should fucking kill you!" Blair yelled at her father, who sat in the chair in front of her desk.

"You're doing nothing but disappointing me!" She yelled, Hanuel only shook his head with a sigh. "It's for out experiments, Blair. We had to do it to see if it would really work with opposites."

"But you're ruining my plans! This is so- you know what? Forget it." Blair started yelling but then changed her mind and started speaking in a calm voice. "I don't need you anymore. At least for right now." She said, spinning in her seat to look out the large window in her office.

"I have other plans that I can take into action."


What do you guys think Blair plan is?

Also I only updated this Because someone commented please update. That's literally my only motivation anymore so thank you.

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