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Chapter 43: Code


"C' mon, where is it?" Yuseon asked himself, looking through Blairs' things. He came to her house, hoping she wouldn't be there, thank God he was right. He was currently looking through her things, trying to find something that could take him to where she was keeping Yoongi.

But as of now, all he's seen were the plans she's made from the beginning, how she planned to get her father, Hanuel, to get Yoongi and Hoseok together to make them upset, how she met Hoseok, how she messed with Yoongi and Hoseok's relationship, everything. But nothing about where she's keeping Yoongi, or even who's involved.

"Alright, idiot, think." Yuseon mumbled to himself, "She's a sneaky bitch...but a really stupid sneaky bitch." he said, opening another drawer just to be met with more notes about nothing, he was just about to close it when a found a new note.


"What the hell?" he muttered, "Maybe it's some kind of code," he said, stuffing the note in his pocket, he continued looking until he found yet another interesting note. "R-212"

"Goddammit, I'm too stupid for this shit." He said, putting the note in his pocket, "Alright, this is getting somewhere, but nowhere at the same time." he said, going over to Mia's crib to get her when he saw a box near her bag. "I'm done with these goddamn secrets, I swear to God," he muttered, grabbing the box and opening it, thankfully, it was only a necklace with a ring on the end.

"Alright, Mia, let's go before Blair gets here."


"Hoseok has a little girl that you don't know about."

Those words have been on Yoongi's mind for hours now, it's almost the next day and he couldn't even sleep just thinking about it. He thought his boyfriend had told him everything, that he didn't need to worry anymore.

But now this? Now he has to worry about some other girl he had messed with? How old is this girl? How long has he hidden this? Is it even true? Maybe Shiyuk's just saying things that get in his head, maybe he doesn't have to worry.

"You're still awake? I noticed you got no sleep last night, I would assume you would've passed out by now, since you didn't touch your food either." Shiyuk said, entering the room with a small smile, he sat on the edge of the bed, looking at Yoongi's eyes and disheveled hair. "Ah, you look torn, you're okay? Yeah?"

"F-fuck off." Yoongi mumbled, not even thinking of the consequences, instead, he received a chuckle, "I'll let you go for that one, I understand, you're upset. But this probably isn't all he kept from you, I probably could've learned more if I had stayed. But I had somewhere to go." Shiyuk explained.

"What are you planning?"

"What do you mean?"

"Being with my friends and shit, are you planning to take one of them next?" Yoongi asked, not meeting the older's eyes. "No, of course not, I only want you. I'm making sure they don't think I'm a suspect, I can tell Hoseok doesn't like me. But all of your friends think it's just jealousy." he said, Yoongi looking at his hidden tattoo at the mention of Hoseok.

"I can't help but laugh at how stupid they all are, even your smart friend, Namjoon, right? Yeah, he's not willing to search, he wants to leave it to the police, and I can't blame him. They're all trying to act like they're looking for a way to help, but they're just waiting for the answer to come to them, they don't feel like searching. But I am surprised that even your ex is trying to help look for you, after the shitty stories you told me about him. One would think he doesn't give a single fuck about you."

"Yah, why're you crying?" Shiyuk smiled, reaching to wipe Yoongi's tears, but the smaller smacked his hand away. "Don't fucking touch me, and Don't say that stupid shit, I know my friends care about me and are looking for me, they'll find you, and when they do, I hope they torture the hell out of you. Because I'll enjoy every second of it."

Shiyuk growled as he grabbed Yoongi by the throat, the smaller already starting to gasp for air. "You really have a death wish, don't you? You really thought you could say that shit to me without consequences? Bullshit, next time you do this, I swear on everything you'll wish you never met me."

"I already do." Yoongi choked out, Shiyuk letting go and watching the younger as he tried to breathe regularly again. "God, you really piss me off, no wonder both of your ex and your current boyfriend cheated on you, you're an annoying brat."

Yoongi only glared at him, wincing when he realized even if he wanted to speak, he couldn't his throat was sore, inside and out. "I need to take a break, just looking at you makes me mad." Shiyuk said, leaving the room. Yoongi put his head in his hands as he let out a pained sob, even though his throat hurt so bad, he couldn't help it. Everything hurt.


(Short chapter? Idk, hopefully next chapter is longer)

Just so there's no confusion, Shiyuk knows Yuseon is Yoongi's ex, he doesn't know Yuseon used to work with Blair. The same for Yuseon, he's seen Shiyuk (in the last chapter) but he doesn't know that Shiyuk is now working with Blair and is the one who kidnapped Yoongi. I didn't get any comments on it, but I just wanted to make sure.


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