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Chapter 51: Date Night


"Kim Seokjin, I swear if you don't just get here and get Mia I don't know what I'll do—" Hoseok said into his phone, Jin on the other line. He was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Open up so I can beat your ass," Jin said from his phone, Hoseok rolled his eyes and hung up while opening the door. "Hurry up, I don't know when he's going to get here." Hoseok said, Jin mocked him as he went to get Mia, who was upset because she was pulled from her nap.

"Please don't teach her anything bad."

"Of course, Hoseok. I'm a dick, but I know better than to reach a young child terrible things. Maybe for her birthday..." Jin trialed off, a small smile on his face.

"Nope, not happening, love you, bye." Hoseok said, pushing Jin out the door. "Aww I love you too!"

"I was talking to Mia!" He yelled before he closed the door, letting a sigh out as he sat on the couch. Waiting for Yoongi to get home after working at the company.

He felt the ring box in his pocket and smiled, he's going to propose to him tonight. Hopefully everything will go well, and they won't have anyone ruin their night.

"Hoseokie, I'm here and I'm tired," Yoongi mumbled, coming through the door but then frowning. "Why's the door unlocked?"

"Jin just came for something and left, I guess I forgot to lock it," Hoseok said, Yoongi nodded as he kissed him on the forehead and moved to their bedroom. "Where's Mia?"

"Ah, Jin was here to pick her up," Hoseok said, smiling as he saw Yoongi peek out from the bedroom. "Why?" He asked, he seemed like he was afraid of the idea Hoseok would bring up. "We are having a date night."


"Yeah, so hurry up, change into something else," Hoseok said, Yoongi smiled as he nodded, quickly going back into their bedroom to change. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise,"

"How long is Jin going to have Mia?"

"All night," Hoseok said, Yoongi came back out with a new outfit, he gave Hoseok a confused look. "Exactly what are you planning, Jung Hoseok?"

"Its a surprise, Min Yoongi." Hoseok said, grabbing Yoongi by the waist and pulling him into a kiss. "Come on, we should go before it gets dark."

"Of course,"


"You're being a bit too nice, Hoseok, I don't like it," Yoongi mumbled, they just left a restaurant and Hoseok was driving him to an unknown destination. He's been all heart eyes all afternoon, doing nothing but smiling while looking into Yoongis eyes as he spoke.

"What? I can't treat my boyfriend nice every once in awhile?" Hoseok asked, Yoongi hummed as he looked at him and then back to the window. "I guess, but I'm still a little suspicious."

"Just relax, baby, it's our date nights Away from friends and work and stress. Okay?" Hoseok said, Yoongi smiled and nodded as he grabbed Hoseok's hand, squeezing it tight. "Okay."

"Great." Hoseok smiled, sudden parking the car, "Now, get out." He said, Yoongi rolled his eyes but got out of the car, looking around and then turning to Hoseok. "We've been here before,"

"We have, c'mon, let's walk." Hoseok said, grabbing Yoongis hand and leading him down the sidewalk of the park. The same park that they went to for their first official date without Jin there.

"Are we heading back to that bench?" Yoongi asked, Hoseok shrugged, "Maybe, you ask a lot of questions."

"I can't help it when you take me somewhere without telling me exactly why we're there," Yoongi said, Hoseok chuckled as he glanced at his boyfriend. "I already told you, it's a date night, no stop asking so many questions and enjoy,"

"I am enjoying," Yoongi smiled, "I'm just curious," he mumbled, after that, he finally decided to stop asking questions. Turning to look at the scenery around him.

Hoseok could feel himself starting to feel nervous, his heart was beating out of his chest and he was damn near tripping over his own feet. Maybe asking Yoongi to stop asking questions was a bad idea. The silence was making him jittery.

He tried to hide the fact that he was feeling for the ring box in his pocket, thankfully, Yoongi was looking in a different direction. They were getting closer and closer to the spot where they had their first date. Which will also be the place they would become engaged.

"Ah, Hoseokie, there's the bench we sat at," Yoongi pointed out, he let go of Hoseok's hand and took a seat on the green bench, it seemed it was freshly painted since the last time they had been there. Hoseok smiled as he sat beside him, but his mind was completely blank, he wasn't listening to Yoongi as he spoke, and even though his eyes were open, he couldn't see much that was ahead of him.

All he could think about was how he could pop the question, how he would make this proposal so cool and smooth that Yoongi couldn't say anything but yes.

"Hobi? Are you listening?" Yoongi asked, pulling Hoseok back to reality, he shook his head and blinked a few times before he finally answered his question. "If I'm gunna be honest with you? No."

"What's been going on with you lately?" Yoongi asked, he sounded genuinely concerned, and that made Hoseok's feel bad, he sighed as he finally figured out how to pop the question. "Yeah, there's been something floating around in my mind lately."

"Then Tell me," Yoongi said, Hoseok smiled and nodded as he stood and stretched before getting down on one knee and pulling out the box that held his engagement ring. "I guess I gotta ask you now," he started, his smiling growing as he watched Yoongis eyes fill with tears.

"Let's see, I know we've been through a lot, some lies and heartbreak, some secrets and some crazy people in our life, plus we weren't even meant to be together. But I mean, look where we are now? I'm here, asking you to be my husband and—wait, that's not right, my speech was supposed to be—"

Hoseok was going to correct himself and start over but he was interrupted by Yoongi, who yelled, "Yes! Holy shit, Hoseok! I'll marry you!" As he jumped up, Hoseok jumping along with him as he pulled him into a hug, their lips clashing in a passionate kiss.

"How long did it take you to plan that?" Yoongi asked, the two still only centimeters apart. "I made it up on the spot but I realized half way that what I said wasn't enough for what I really felt." Hoseok explained, "You did great," Yoongi said, pulling him into another kiss.

Hoseok slipped the ring onto Yoongis finger as the smaller let tears roll down his cheeks. "You wanna know the real reason why I asked Jin to take Mia with him instead of him just staying at the house to watch her tonight?"

"Yeah, Why?"

"I wanted to celebrate, we haven't had much time since we've started to take care of her, " Hoseok said, Yoongi smiled and nodded as he once again kissed him. "Then let's hurry home."

"Of course," Hoseok smiled, both of their tattoos showing how happy they were to be together.


Not gunna lie, writers block kicked my ass this week 😭 next chapter might be complete shit because I haven't written smut in months. And I was still terrible at it then 😔 we'll see how this goes.


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