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Chapter 24: Sweetheart


Yoongi groaned when he heard a knock on the door, he yelled for Jimin to get it but there was no answer, the older was probably asleep.

He mumbled curses to himself as he opened the door to reveal his smiling boyfriend, he taller of the two leaning against the door way, trying to look seductive. "Are you busy?"

"Would've been better if you had called me first but yes, I am busy." Yoongi said, Hoseok frowned and looked away. "Well, shit." Yoongi smiled as he pulled Hoseok into the house and closed the door, the taller looking at Yoongi with a confused look. "What?"

"What could you possibly be busy with while you're wearing pajamas with cookies on it? Planning a slumber party?" Hoseok asked, Yoongi rolled his eyes and blew a raspberry. "I'm working on this fucking project for the CEO, this should be the last one before he finally approves me." Yoongi explained, Hoseok nodded and then smirked.

"What is it this time?"

"Are you stressed right now? If so you need to take a break." Hoseok said, pointing at his wrist. "Fuck you and that stupid tattoo."

"I would love too," Hoseok smiled, walking up to Yoongi and grabbing his waists, pecking his lips with a small smile. "Why are you here anyway?"

"What? A man can't visit his boyfriend for no reason?"

"Okay there's definitely a reason why you came, thanks for clarifying." Yoongi sighed, Hoseok groaned as he let go of Yoongis waists and instead grabbed his shoulders. "I wanted to take you out tonight but you said you were busy so I'll get out of your hair." Hoseok explained, kissing Yoongis forehead with a small smile.

Yoongi was silent for a few seconds, looking at Hoseok's silently pleading eyes, eyes that say if you say no I'm going to cry and he knew Hoseok wouldn't cry but he was weak for that look. "Okay, let's go to a club or something, I need a drink." Yoongi said, patting Hoseok's chest and walking to his room. "Wait...you're serious?"

"Yeah, I'm so stressed, I need a break. Remember?" Yoongi smiled, Hoseok rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Just get dressed, it's already late." Yoongi nodded as he went to his room to get dressed.

The two spent most of their time at the club dancing and drinking together, trying to balance it all out without getting tired.

But now, Yoongi sat at the bar with Hoseok, the older rambling about Minji and Mayla continuing to make jokes and fangirl and boy about their relationship during practice.

"I love them, if I could adopt them I would." Yoongi laughed, Hoseok rolled his eyes, "Yeah Yeah, laugh it up. I'm the one in pain here. I'm practically bullied in that place when I'm older than at least three fourths of them." That only made Yoongi laughed harder as Hosoek ordered another drink, saying something about drowning in his pain.

"You know what? I think we should start living together." Yoongi said once he finally calmed down. Hoseok gave him a look. "Really?"

"I mean— yeah, I can give my room to Taehyung, Jin can move into your room with Namjoon, and we'll take Taehyungs one room place, then everyone can love with their soulmate and shit." Yoongi explained, Hoseok had to think about that for a second.

"But it's so much fucking work!" He groaned, Yoongi rolled his eyes but nodded. "But it's all worth it to live with me." He smiled, "Doubt it." Hoseok mumbled with a small smirk, Yoongi lightly hit the older.


"Your fucking face is red." Yoongi laughed after another ten minutes of drinking. Hoseok rolled his eyes as he spat out his tongue. "Lightweight." Hoseok mumbled, Yoongi laughed even harder, Hoseok flipped him off.

"I hold my alcohol pretty well."

"Oh don't start that, your face is just as red as mine." Hoseok hissed, Yoongi hummed and shook his head, a smile still on his lips. "Don't think so, Jimin and Kook know I'm good with drinking." He smiled, Hoseok rolled his eyes and looked away.

"Curse you and your cute face." He muttered. Yoongi only smiled wider as he reached up to mess with Hoseok's hair, Hoseok was just about to take another sip of his drink when his eyes widened. "Please don't throw up, I will never forgive you if you throw up." Hoseok shook his head as he stood up. "All of these drink just hit me, holy shit." He said, going towards the bathrooms.

"I'll watch your drink." Yoongi sighed, a lazy smile on his face as he looked at Hoseok's half full glass, the man can drink like hell but he can't handle it all.

"Been watching you for awhile sweetheart," a voice suddenly said , Yoongi whipped around to look at the man, he was tall— about as tall as Namjoon— and he had a very pretty face, he had blue hair that matched his slightly pale skin. "That's kinda stalker-ish But Okay," Yoongi mumbled, looking at Hoseok's drink and then downing it because he knew the older was going to want to go home after this.

"May be, you here alone?"

"Well, you have been watching me for awhile, shouldn't you know?" Yoongi asked, unamused as he raised an eyebrow. "Well played, cutie,"

"Thank you, But I'm not alone, my boyfriend is in the bathroom." Yoongi smiled, making it clear that his had a tattoo on his wrist as he looked at the tall male. "Not everyone can be loyal like that you know. Plus, those stupid little tattoos mean nothing. Come on, come with me and I'll show you a good time."

"Was having a good enough time without you." Yoongi frowned, he was starting to feel pretty uncomfortable and he hoped his tattoo was showing it on Hoseok's arm. "Hard to get, I understand."

"No, you don't understand, I don't want you, but what I do want is for you to fucking leave. Thanks." Yoongi mumbled, he was scared but he wasn't going to show it.

"You really are something else." The man smirked, stepping closer to Yoongi and grabbing the wrist that he had his tattoo on. Yoongi was frozen and he wasn't sure if he could move, but he sure as hell wanted to. "Don't fight this, sweetheart, you keep saying no and I'll have to get Yuseon to come and get you." He whispered in his ear.

Yoongi lost his breath, his body was even more frozen, if possible. He didn't even notice when Hoseok came from the bathroom with a frown. "Uhh..."

Yoongis eyes snapped to him, he opened his mouth but no words came out, if anything, it was a strangled whine. "What the fuck is happening?" He asked, Yoongi looked at Hoseok's wrist and he knew Hoseok knew Yoongi didn't put himself in this situation and that he was—in fact— in trouble right now.

The man sighed as he stood and let go of Yoongis wrist. "Stop trying to fight it," he smirked, "You know what I'm talking about." He then winked as he walked away. Hoseok sent a nasty glare his way and then turned to Yoongi, who was shaking with shock and fear.

"Baby, are you okay?" Hoseok asked, even though the Hoseok a few minutes ago was about to trip over his feet and probably piss himself, this Hoseok was serious and pissed, as if he hadn't been drinking at all. "I-I'm Okay."

"You sure?"

"Y-Yeah, let's just uh...let's just go." Yoongi said, his voice seemed grow quieter with every word. Hoseok nodded as he grabbed his hand and led him out of the club. Yoongi tried to shake those thoughts out of his head. Damnit. Why does everything have to be ruined all the time? Why can't he just live a normal life?


This one is short because I tried to write it before I forgot ANYWAYS. This is most likely part 1 of our favorite game: "What the literal fuck is happening to Yoongi?" Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!

I fucking hate myself 🤠

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