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Chapter 61 : Call Me!


"Yoongi yelled at the doctor." Jin muttered, Namjoon sighed as he tucked Mia into bed. "I know, Jin."

While the doctor was telling the group about Hoseoks condition, he mentioned something about his chances of living. Of course, Yoongi was listening the whole time, but he really perked up at that. But his hopes were destroyed when he heard the words that came out of that mans mouth.

"His chances of living are getting slimmer by the second. We're doing everything we can but—"

"Everything you can?" Yoongi snapped, "Well, obviously you're not trying hard enough." Yoongi said, ignoring all his friends who are trying to tell him to calm down. "What are you saying? That he's gunna die?!"

"As the seconds tick by, yes, it's starting to look like he won't make it."

"Bullshit! I—" Yoongi was gunna continue yelling before Jimin grabbed his arm, pulling him into a side hug as he sent the doctor an apologetic look. The doctor sighed before he spoke again.

"Again, we're doing everything we can. It won't necessarily be a miracle if he doesn't die. But I would still prepare for the worst. We'll call if anything comes up."

After that, Yoongi walked off, telling Jin that he had to go home before he goes to the company. Of course, Jin argued with him, telling him that he needed rest. Yoongi didn't listen, he went home, ate, dressed in some different clothes and left. Leaving Namjoon and Jin to take care of Mia.

"He's probably trying to take his mind off of everything right now. I would." Namjoon muttered, brushing her hair out of Mia's face before he turned to Jin. "I'm just so worried. What's Yoongi gunna do if Hoseok doesn't make it out alive? Then what? How are we gunna keep him from going batshit crazy? Just look at him now—"

"He's coping in his own way Jin—"

"He's gunna hurt himself!" Jin accidentally yelled, Mia stirring in her sleep. "Whether it's mentally or physically. He's not gunna be okay. What're we supposed to do then?!" Jin asked, he didn't even know he was crying until Namjoon was in front of him, wiping the tears off of his face. He pulled the older into a hug.

"Jin. We're taking this one step at a time. Worrying about the future will cause mistakes in the present. Let's just worry about taking care of Yoongi now. We'll worry about later when later comes." Namjoon whispered, Jin nodded into his shoulder as he hugged the taller tight.



"Why cant you just fuckin side with me?" Jimin yelled, Jungkook groaned as leaned his head back against the couch. "Because youre wrong, Jimin. You cant tell Yoongi how hes feeling!" Taehyung yelled back.

"He damn near ripped the doctor a new one on his own job! You're telling me thats not the actions of someone who needs a fucking break? Who needs to stay home."

"It's the actions of someone who just wants their fiancé back, dipshit!" Taehyung argued, theyve been going at it since they got back home, and Jungkook was most definitely not getting in the middle of it. "I've known him for way longer than you have, Taehyung! I should know the actions of my Bestfriend!"

"Then obviously he's not your fucking bestfriend." Taehyung said, Jimin scoffed as he turned away from him, "Fuck you, Tae," he said, going to his bedroom. Taehyung sighed as he sat down beside Jungkook, the younger glancing at him before turning away.

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