Final Note

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So yeah, Pluviophile has offically ended.

Let me tell you, I had many doubts about this story when I first thought of it. I felt like the idea was stupid as HELL. Like??? Two guys sharing blood for a SCIENCE EXPERIMENT??! Has diseases written all over it —_—.

Not only that, but the whole tattoo thing was also really confusing. Especially since Hoseok and Yoongi were opposites. I had the upmost trouble trying to figure out how to describe how everything would work. Did not. Go. Well.

Like all of my stories. I wrote this as I went. The things that I knew and wanted to happen since the very beginning were:

•Hoseok having a baby he didn't know about.

•The whole Stephanie and Blair being sisters situation (I'm still a little upset with how I explained that. If I ever edit this story that'll probably be one of the first things I edit.)

•Blair being an absolute DICK.

•Hoseok cheating on Yoongi.

•Shiyuk was planned (but he was only supposed to be a minor character who made Hoseok jealous. Not end up becoming crazy and kidnapping yoongi and eventually dying.)

•Yoongi's kidnapping (was supposed to be done by Yuseon but I last minute decided to make Yuseon turn on Blair instead of help her with the kidnapping.)

•Hoseok getting shot.

And just for fun, here are some things that weren't supposed to happen and were instead thought of at 4am:

•Yuseon getting his throat slit the first time.

•Yuseon dying the second time he got his throat slit. 😭

•Minji's death. 😭😭

• This was mentioned earlier but Shiyuk being Yoongis kidnapper (I also made up the reason why Shiyuk became so fucking crazy on the spot. Which is why his reasoning was absolute shit.)

• Blair's miscarriage. (Was gunna have her actually have the baby.)

• ALOT of the things that happened to Hoseok and Yoongi were made up on the spot (ex. The weird texts, the poisoning at the very beginning of the story)

•Taeminkook. Originally it was going to be Taekook but then I realized I would have to give Jimin a random soulmate and I didn't have the braincells needed to choose someone from another group or make up a new character entirely.

•The idea of bringing Dino into this story. It was a random thought when I first started writing and I was like. Yes. This works.

Overall this was a really fun story that was actually out of my comfort zone when it comes to fanfics. If you couldn't tell by my other two stories, I usually write in a High school setting with a shit ton of angst and unrequited feelings. 😔

I'm glad I finished this story, I racked my brain for a MONTH. Trying to figure out how I wanted this story to end and I couldn't be happier. I'll probably wait until mid august to start a new story to replace this one. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it too.

It's'll never guess.

A highschool setting!!

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