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Chapter 53: That's Amazing!


"They are going to freak out," Yoongi muttered, holding Hoseok's hand as they entered the BigHit building. They had yet to tell Mayla and Minji the good news about their engagement, but they knew too well that the two are going to make a big deal out of it.

"I don't doubt it," Hoseok said, the two taking a seat in the practice room, waiting for the two and the students to come in. "Are you sure we should've let Jimin, Tae and Gguk take care of Mia?"

"Yeah, why not?" Hoseok asked, Yoongi shrugged, "They aren't the best influences for a girl who is still learning how to speak." He said, Hoseok nodded at that, maybe they should've left her with Namjoon.

"Gah, I'm already tired just from stepping in here," Mayla muttered, smiling at the couple as she and Minji made their way into the practice room. "I've never been happier to see you two, I'm having a shitty day,"

"She dropped her coffee on the sidewalk this morning, I had to listen to her complain as we went back to the shop to get another one, and come all the way in here. Best part is, she still ain't done complaining." Minji explained, rubbing his face with a tired expression.

"I won't be done complaining until I'm dead." Mayla said, She was going to continue until she stared at the two, a knowing look on her face. She turned to Minji, who stared at her with a confused expression, before she turned back to the two.

"What's wrong? Who died?" She asked, Yoongi also showing signs of confusion as Hoseok visibly showed he was hiding something. He was terrible at this.

"No one died?" Yoongi said, more like a question than an answer, Mayla turned to Hoseok, she somehow knew he would break under pressure, he couldn't lie for shit.

"Alright, Alright," Hoseok sighed, finally breaking, Mayla smiled as she waited for Hoseok to speak. "We got engaged," He said, showing off their rings. Mayla gasped as she stood and grabbed Minji, pulling him into a hug as she jumped around with excitement.

"That's amazing, holy shit!" She yelled, Minji giving the couple a pleading look for them to help him. "When's the wedding? Am I
Invited? holy shit I need so many gifts and I need a dress, and— oh! I wanna be the flower girl but that little girl of yours should be, she's cute, and—"

"Alright! That's enough!" Minji smiles, placing his hand over Mayla's mouth, she instantly stopped talking and glared at the older, rolling his eyes as she pulled his hand away. "I'm happy for you two," he said, Mayla nodded.

"Thanks, and yes, both of you are invited." Yoongi said, Mayla nodded as he hugged the two, Minji doing the same.

"Ah, class is about to start," Hoseok said, Mayla and Minji groaning as they went to their usual spot to stretch. "We're learning a new dance today," Hoseok said, Yoongi rolled his eyes, he knew where this was going.


"Come on, it'll be fun!" Hoseok whined, standing with Yoongi and grabbing his hands, swinging them from side to side. "Hoseok, I have to work on producing, so, no." Yoongi smiles, Hoseok tried to pout, but it didn't work on the younger.

"Don't wait for me when you're finished, just go home," Yoongi said, Hoseok gave him a confused look, "but...we only took one car.."

"Jimins gunna drop off his keys for me, I have a lot of work to catch up on," Yoongi said, kissing Hoseok before he left the studio. "Damn, love you too, I guess." Hoseok muttered, turning to his class that was stretching. "Alright, lets get started!"


Yoongi sighed as he cut off his computer for the night, stretching as he grabbed his things to leave. It was around eleven, almost midnight and he knew he should've been home by now, Hoseok's probably worrying about him right now.

He sighed as he went outside, making sure the doors were locked before he made his way to the car, not beside bumping into someone on the way, even though there was so much space on the sidewalk.

"Ah, Sorry,"

"Yoongi?" Yoongi froze at that voice, of course, out of all times this had to happen.

"Blair, what are you doing here?" He asked, Blair smiles as she pulled off the hood of her coat. "Not much, just taking a lat me night walk, and happened to pass by here. Why are you here?"

"I just got off from work, now, if you excuse me—" Yoongi said, about to go to the car before Blair stopped him. "That ring..." she muttered, Yoongi looked at his ring and then to her, "Yeah, its a ring."

"No, what's it for,"

"Engagement," Yoongi muttered, Blair visibly got upset, she started to step closer to the taller, making Yoongi take a few steps back until he hit the car. "I have a question."


"How can you and Hoseok stay together for so long, even get engaged, after everything you've been through with him?" She asked, Yoongi only glared at her. "He's called you names, put his hands on you, even cheated and got me pregnant. And you're still with him, why?"

"Because I love him, I forgive and I forget." Yoongi said, trying to find some way to get out of this situation, after what Yuseon told him about Blair, he knew she was dangerous, and he can't be around her for too much longer before she snaps and hurt or possibly even kills him.

"I know a girl who said that once," Blair muttered, "Didn't turn out so great for her..." she said, as if she were hinting at something. "Yoongi, you're stealing from me, you know?"


"I had Hoseok long before you even met him, I loved him long before you loved him, he was mine way before he was yours." Blair said, Yoongi shot her a confused look.

"What're you trying to say?"

"What's mine is mine, and I'm not going to let someone take that away from me," she said, "So I suggest you call this fucking engagement off, and then, maybe I'll think about keeping you from getting hurt. Got it?"

"You're fucking crazy," Yoongi spat, Blair smirked, "I know," she said, patting his shoulder and backing away from him. "Have a nice night, drive home safe,"

"Fuck off," Yoongi said, quickly getting into his car and driving home, he had to tell Hoseok about this.

I made y'all wait 11 or so days for this crappy and short chapter. 😔😔 Sorry for such late updates, recently Ive lost any motivation to write, but writing is one of my favorite things to do 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

~Markie 😭😭

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