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Chapter 33: Who's this?


Yoongi sighed as he looked at all of the boxes filled with things the couple definitely didn't need to take with them. But he didn't know what to do with them, either Yoongi wanted it and Hoseok didn't, or Hoseok wanted it and Yoongi didnt.

And most of the time, Yoongi got his way. If he wanted to keep that specific notebook that has no value whatsoever ever and is actually just filled with a bunch of random colors and sketches. He's. Keeping. The Notebook.

And if he didn't want to keep something, like Hoseok saying he wanted to take a stupid, warm out pouch he's had since he was practically born, Yoongi said no and it was finally. Yoongi was being a brat but he knew Hoseok loved it.

But now, Hoseok isn't here, and they didn't put any names on any boxes. That's how lazy they were. So he's afraid of picking up just any random box in case it's too heavy and he drops it and it has glass in it. That would be the worst.

He sighed as he looked into the moving truck, he decided to pick up the first box he was closest to, which was sadly a huge one. "I can do this, I know I can." Yoongi said to himself, trying to find some kind of motivation.

He attempted to pick up the box but almost immediately dropped it because he's definitely not putting that much work in. He grabbed a smaller box and went into house Taehyung used to live in. He just set it down in the part he assumed was the living room and went back to get another box.

"I'm assuming you didn't want to get this one for a reason?" Shiyuk asked, carrying the box Yoongi was trying to pick up. "Just take it in," Yoongi muttered, rolling his eyes as he grabbed another box to carry in.

It went on like this for about an hour, it was hot as hell and all of this work was not working out for him.  "I'm so tired!" Yoongi whined, looking into the truck at another twenty to thirty boxes. "So tired!" He repeated, crawling in to get another box when Shiyuk called his name.



"Want some water or something?" Shiyuk asked, Yoongi almost immediately snapped his head towards him, a small smile on his face as he ran to him and snatched the water and chips from his hands. "Someone's thirst— you're spilling it, Yoongi."

"I could give less of a fuck." Yoongi muttered, finally putting the water bottle down and looking back at the truck. "I wanna get this over and done with." He said, Shiyuk nodded as he stood beside the other, looking at him and not the boxes.

"Maybe its best to take a break for a minute, Yoongi." He said, but Yoongi shook his head as he climbed into the truck to get another box. "No breaks! Yuk! We need to get this done."


"I love giving people nicknames." Yoongi smiled, carrying a small box into the house, Shiyuk rolled his eyes and grabbed his own box to carry in.

Yoongi sighed as he looked at all of the boxes they have yet to take in, plus, they have to unpack and build a few things. Way too much work.

"Hey, baby," Yoongi heard someone say, he instantly knew it was Hoseok as he came up behind him. "Hey, Hobi." Yoongi muttered, giving Hoseok a kiss and then leaning against him because goddamn he is tired.

It was silent for a few seconds, Hoseok looking at Shiyuk because he was a random guy, Yoongi trust try to hope he doesn't pass out, and Shiyuk standing awkwardly becuase this is definitely awkward.

"Wait a minute," Yoongi muttered, "Why are you here?" Hoseok looked at him and then to Shiyuk, and then back to him. "I was going to go to the studio but they were working on it, so I ate out with Jiwoo and came here to help out...who's this?"

"Hmm, could've texted me. But that's Shiyuk, a friend that said he would help out since you were supposed to be at practice, Jimin and Gguk are helping Tae, and Namjoons helping Jin, I just didn't want to be alone and be offered to help."

"Hmm, well, I'm here now so stop acting all tired and get workin." Hoseok smiled, kissing Yoongi before leaving his side to go into the house. Yoongi sighed as he grabbed another box. "That's your boyfriend? I'm guessing?" Shiyuk asked, Yoongi nodded with a small smile.

"Hmm," he hummed, Yoongi thought he was going to say something else but he only grabbed another box and walked into the house. Yoongi pouted in confusion as he followed.

The whole time they were carrying the rest of the boxes in, there was weird tension. And Yoongi felt like he was the only one who felt it.

Hoseok was shooting dirty looks to Shiyuk whenever he got close to Yoongi and Shiyuk kept giving Hoseok mean side eyes whenever he passed by, and Hoongi really didn't know what to do.

"Are you two Alright?" Yoongi asked, the two looked at him and then back at each other. "I'm fine, baby,"

"Me too, why do you ask?" Shiyuk asked, Yoongi shrugged, "I dunno, I just feel tense, maybe it's just me," Hoseok smiled as he pulled Yoongi into a side hug by his waists. "It's probably just moving jitters."

"Moving jitters?"

"Moving jitters." Hoseok smiled, Yoongi rolled his eyes as he started to unpack a box. It was now dark outside, and they've brought all do the boxes in, Hoseok's going to return it either later or tomorrow.

"I think we've got it from here, Shiyuk." Yoongi smiled as Hoseok went to unpack his own box. "Yeah, I'm glad I could help." Shiyuk said, Yoongi pulling him into a hug, his hands getting dangerously close to his ass.

Yoongi swore he heard Hoseok make some noise close to a growl, but he didn't pay him any mind. "Thanks,"

"No problem." Shiyuk said, waving goodbye as he left. Yoongi smiled as he turned to Hoseok. "He's a nice guy, yeah?"

"Yeah. Sure." Hoseok muttered, Yoongi pouted as he looked at him, "What's with that tone mister." Yoongi said playfully as he walked over to Hoseok, the taller standing straight as he looked at Yoongi. "Baby, I don't like him."

"Who? Shiyuk?" Yoongi asked, Hoseok nodding, "I don't know, it just seems like he doesn't have the best intentions around you, I feel like he's trying to take you away from me." Hoseok said, Yoongi looked at him and rolled his eyes. "I thought we were done with this cheating shit."

"I'm not saying you're cheating. I'm saying I don't like the way he's looking at you. He looking at you with more hunger that a person who hasn't eaten in 10 days Okay? He nearly grabbed your damn ass when you hugged him. I just don't like him." Hoseok said, his protective side of him showing as he talked about Shiyuk, slowing starting to wrap his arms around Yoongis waists.

"Well, you don't need to worry, Seokie. If he makes a move I'll put him in his place. Okay?"

"Okay." Hoseok sighed, "Come on, I already hit the bed and shit together yesterday, let's sleep and finish this shit tomorrow." Yoongi nodded as Hoseok dragged him into the bedroom.


The next chapter is going to be a bit of a time skip..I'm thinking a week or two. Enough time for Hoseok and Yoongi to get settled into the new house.

Oh and also. You're not going to like the new chapter :>


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