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Chapter 32: This night is gunna be fun


Yoongi sighed as he finally made it to the restaurant he was supposed to meet Shiyuk at, he had some trouble even getting out of bed this morning.


"Hoseoook, let me out!" Yoongi whined, But Hoseok only clinger tighter to his waists. "C'mon! I have to go!" Yoongi pouted, Hoseok only mumbled words he couldn't understand and started to cling tighter than he's ever felt.

"Where are you going, Kitten?"

"Oh, don't call me Kitten right now, I need to gooo," Yoongi tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but nothing he did helped. "Please!"

"No. Where are you going?" Yoongi huffed as he finally gave up, laying still as he looked at the wall. "I'm going to meet with a friend, now please, let me go? I'm going to be late,"

"Hmm, Fine," Hoseok groaned, letting his boyfriend go, Yoongi quickly jumped up before Hoseok could change his mind and made his way to his closet, trying to get dressed as quickly as possible so he wouldn't be late.

"Yah, calm down, babe. I think your friend can understand if you're a little bit late, Yeah?" Hoseok asked, sitting up as he watched his boyfriend get dressed. "I know, I just...I don't know, maybe I should calm down."

"Yeah, take a breather." Hoseok muttered, Yoongi nodded as he pulled on his shirt and grabbed his jacket. He also grabbed his phone as a message popped up.

Just got here, just warning you, the traffic is terrible.

Yoongi sighed as he stuffed his phone in his pocket and went to the door, Hoseok making a lot of noises to stop him. "What?"

"Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked, Yoongi smiled as he went back to Hoseok and gave him a peck on the lips before he turned back to the door. "I was talking about that nest you have on your head but okay."  Hoseok giggled, Yoongi smiled as he turned into he bathroom to fix his hair.

"I'm leaving now!"

"Love you!"

"Love you too!"

And now he was finally here, he looked around for Shiyuk until his eyes finally set on his black-brown hair. Shiyuk also looked at him and smiled. "Hey, you're finally here," he said, watching as Yoongi sat down in front of him.

"Yeah, my boyfriend was trying to keep me in bed," Yoongi muttered, rolling his eyes as he set his phone on the table and looked at Shiyuk. "Hmm, so, what do you want to talk about while we wait? I just ordered some random appetizers, don't know if they're any good or not."

"I'm fine with that. How about work?"

"Work? Well, right now I'm a trainer at a gym, but I'm thinking about cutting back my hours so I can practice dance. Something I've wanted to do for awhile now," Shiyuk explained, Yoongi nodded as he put his phone on silent, Jimin was currently texting him about his floor just falling through or something like that.

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