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Chapter 23: Patience Is For The Weak


And he just.. I don't know, it looked like he saw a ghost and he just left." Hoseok sighed, rubbing his temples as he talked to Taehyung. The younger nodded as if he knew what the problem was.

"Mhmm, I see."

"You do?"

"Yeah, that fucking place is haunted and he's the ghost whisperer," Taehyung said, he smiled at Hoseok as the older groaned and rolled his eyes. "You are no help, I mean, who is the person he hates the most?"

"Well...I would say you but you're dating him." Taehyung mumbled, this man was no help and it shows. "You're literally no help, I'm going to end you." Hoseok muttered, Taehyung only chuckled as he watched Jungkook come in the room with a loud groan.

"What's wrong-"

"What's wrong? What's wrong? What's wrong is that my fucking essay for deleted so guess who's spending the rest of their fucking life at home working on a million page essay?" Jungkook said, he was obviously pissed as he opened the fridge and grabbed the orange juice, he drank it straight from the carton and then slammed the door. "Me! That's who!"

"Calm down, you're being dramatic," Hoseok said, giving the younger a judging look. "I'm being dramatic? Tell that to my fucking professor when I tell him why my paper is late!" Jungkook groaned once again before flopping down on the couch beside Hoseok, the older rolling his eyes.

"Since you're here-"

"I'm not helping you fix your relationship with Yoongi, if he kills you, I'll come to your funeral but that's it." Jungkook interrupted, Hoseok sighed and shook his head. "First of all, fuck you. And second, I was just asking about...past relationships?"

"Oh no."

"Oh no? What does oh no mean?" Taehyung asked, suddenly wanting to listen in when he was just now ignoring everything else. "It's means that's a subject that I can't talk about." Jungkook said, shaking his head. "Nope. Can't do it."

"Oh please! Just tell me something, why else would Yoongi pause and look like he's seen a ghost and then leave so abruptly after he said he was going to stay?" Hoseok asked, Jungkook shrugged as he continued to drink from the carton. "I dunno, maybe the place is haunted and he's a ghost whisperer."

"Ah ha!" Taehyung laughed, "I was right!" Jungkook snickered as Hosoek threw a mini tantrum. "But I need to know, what if I fuck up and I do something that reminds him of his asshole ex?"

"Have you been calling him pretty a lot?"

"Well...yeah, but that's a good thing..right?" Hoseok asked, trying to think of something bad that could come from calling his boyfriend pretty. Jungkook sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "That's one already, two counting that little phone incident," he mumbled more to himself than the two sitting in front of him.

"Speak louder!" Hoseok groaned, Jungkook brought his head up to look at the older. "I can't tell you what happened, it's not my place. But just know, try to keep from calling him pretty a lot, or using that as a way to fix a mistake you've done, also, don't put your hands on him if you two are arguing, and don't be so overprotective to the point it's scary. Got it?"

"Well I mean— yes, but I would love an explanation." Hoseok said, Jungkook shook his head as he stood up and stretched, a bit of orange juice falling on the floor. "I'll clean that later, but that's all I can tell you. I have a paper to fucking rewrite and shit. See ya." He smiled, walking past Taehyung and ruffling his hair before he walked into his—well, Taehyungs room, he was at his house.

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